My initial thought is that the "B"everage (OK Tree) is too high above actual
earth and lacks adequate earth reference to stabilize the impedence and
properly tip the incoming wave front...... Remember, the good doctor did his
initial research with a wire right on the sand under a boardwalk...I have done
measurements with submerging a dipole in fresh water and it is an insulator...
So, your wire on ice is definitely up in the air... The other problem I
suspect is that the river bottom is sloping up to the bank, creating a sloping
Beverage in relation to the earth...
I like your terminating 1/4 wave inline radial... Get rid of the other radials
out there (if I read your post correctly) and have just the resistor and the
single inline radial... At the feed end, if at all possible, use a single
radial inline (this is a major help, hang it from the bushes, put it over the
porch roof, whatever you have to do)... Or put in a TEE radial... A 1/10 w.
inline radial with a right angles TEE Hat resonated on 160...
Otherwise, get rid of the ground stake (doesn't do much in frozen ground, and
creates sneak RF paths), put out about 20 to 30 SHORT (16' - 20') radials (none
under the beverage itself)... Do put a choke at the feed point, 1/8 wave back
from there, and at the shack... Do not ground the coax anywhere but at the
radios! ! !
Now, the real crux of the matter is that I believe your transformer is, wrong
ratio, bad, broken, shorted, open, cursed, whatever... Unfortunately this is
the Stew day (and I'm working 'sob, whine') so time is short... Wish I was
there to help cuz I love these kind of mysteries... Start by testing the
transformer with your analyst to be sure it is working... Also, it must be an
isolated two winding transformer, not a tapped auto transformer for your type
of installation where the earthing is uncertain...
Good luck, denny - k8do
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