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Re: Topband: Antenna Impedance vs efficiency

To: Topband <>
Subject: Re: Topband: Antenna Impedance vs efficiency
From: David Gilbert <>
Date: Wed, 23 Nov 2005 14:09:20 -0700
List-post: <>
David Gilbert wrote:

>I don't know this for sure, but I suspect that a reactive feedpoint represents 
>an antenna that couples improperly to free space.  We are able to adjust 
>that condition by the use of matching networks of various sorts to 
>override the antenna and put voltage and current (and therefore electric 
>field and magnetic field) back into proper phase.  Please consider this 
>last paragraph as speculation on my part, and I'd appreciate someone 
>correcting me if it is erroneous.

Upon further reflection (no pun intended), I think my speculation is off 
base.  The field radiated from an antenna is a function only of the 
current through it, so it probably has no relationship to the reactance 
of the feed to it.  It sounded nice when I first thought ot it, though ...

Dave  AB7E
Topband mailing list

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