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Topband: New Rig.

To: <>
Subject: Topband: New Rig.
From: (Josep)
Date: Thu, 09 May 2002 18:01:24 +0100
 Hi all,

 after 11 years +  with my Kenwood TS680s, I decided that is time to renew
radio. With the new technologies out there, it is a "bit" too old to
continue here as "the main radio.
There were several candidates, and some problems with them, because
unexplicable, here, we cann´t legalize some models (!?). I only do CW, so
interested only in the best features for that mode. Have heard that ICOM
have excellent receivers, so looks like that´s the brand to go. The 775DSP
is one I would choose, but  this is one you cann´t legalize, even that´s not
a major problem.
A second chance is the 756PROII. This one you can..! And looks like people
likes it. It has no crystal filters, but digital, and also covers 6m,
(775DSP no), like my old rig.
Has the 756PROII good enhanced features for 160m..? Is the Icom receiver as
good as people say..?
Would like to hear from Ops using 775DSP´s and 756PROII´s, (aswell as other
brands) how it works specially on topband. Ho´bout those digital filters.
Are you happy with it..?

Thank´s in advance

73 Josep

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