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Re: [TenTec] Wrong Product - Eagle - *NOT*

To: "'Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment'" <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [TenTec] Wrong Product - Eagle - *NOT*
From: Lee <lee@wa3fiy.com>
Reply-to: Lee <lee@wa3fiy.com>, Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment <tentec@contesting.com>
Date: Mon, 20 Feb 2017 14:13:17 +0000
List-post: <tentec@contesting.com">mailto:tentec@contesting.com>
I'm very happy that Mike Dishop is rebuilding Ten-Tec. I have many TT radios including 9 Argonaut VI's (those are for a family radio project, 7, maybe soon to be 8 hams in the family :-), an Eagle, Orion classic, Corsair II and others. It's good to know factory service is still available for most of those. Thank you Mike!
I agree completely with Rick's comments.  I think of most of the TT line 
as niche radios.  In my view there will always be a market for such.  
Big market?  No.  But adequate to make a profit and build working 
capital and nice...niche...radios in the future and to support legacy 
radios for years to come.
My opinion is Mike is taking a very sensible approach at this step.  I 
bet he has some raw materials inventory, and we know he has a new (to 
him) production facility.  He probably would like to convert that 
inventory to working capital and test drive the new facility.  Minimize 
the variables.  Don't start out building a new untested, unknown 
product.  This is of course all speculation.  I'm convinced Mike knows 
what he is doing and will take the time it takes to do it well.  He has 
a refreshing approach to business and has been successful at it over 20 
years.  His business philosophy reminds me of a company I worked for a 
few years ago.  They too produced niche products, built working capital 
slowly but steadily over the years, remained debt free and continues to 
be a nicely operated company more than 40 years after founding.  
Soooooo..... what Mike is doing can be done successfully and I suspect 
he will do it in spite of all the nay sayers.    Go Mike!    :-)
I'd vote for the second production run being Argonaut VI's.   :-)



------ Original Message ------
From: "rick@dj0ip.de" <Rick@dj0ip.de>
To: "'Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment'" <tentec@contesting.com>
Sent: 2/20/2017 5:03:58 AM
Subject: Re: [TenTec] Wrong Product - Eagle - *NOT*

Bob brings up a very good point - not everyone likes radios like the 7300.
Carl's comments are valid and ICOM certainly hit the jackpot with that 
but a lot of people have sold them soon after purchase - though few in
percentage of the something like 10,000 other purchasers who apparently are

Ten-Tec has always been something of a cult radio and never had an installed base anything like that of any of the three leading JA companies. People
either loved it or hated it.
I'm in the first group, but I also understand that most people I know are in
the second group.

Certainly there is a market for other types of radios and people are willing to pay a premium price to own them, just as people pay premium prices to own
certain automobile types.

Ten-Tec will NEVER compete in the IC-7300 market segment.
Defining a new radio for T-T to build that has most of the features of the
7300 is a waste of time and effort.  Just buy a 7300.

Important for T-T's survival is to build something RIGHT NOW, and then have
something follow soon.  That means Eagle or Argo6.

"Soon" dictates that it can't deviate too much from the Eagle.
Something along the lines Terry was suggesting.

IMO, if Mike does not succeed at those two things, there isn't going to be a
follow on product.

So if we want to be constructive, let's brainstorm what could be easily
accomplished in the very near future.

Example: Eagle in a larger box, larger display, larger knobs, slot for 2nd
RX, 9 MHz IF 'and' filtered RF to the back-panel for connection to an
external Panadaptor RX. ATU (IMO) 'optional', because if you own a linear, you probably already own a high power matchbox. Oh, and don't forget to address the AMP KEY timing, so add "hang time" to it so that it does not
require the external Model 318.

THIS is easily doable in a short amount of time.

My gut feeling is that most of the T-T fans (and future purchasers) are over 50 and even over 60 years old. Most of these guys are not looking for tons of bells and whistles. Some don't even want a panadaptor so don't make them pay for one. Most of us in that category just want traditional great QSK operation on CW and clean audio on SSB - along with a RX with good filters. Our fingers are not as nimble as they once were, so we need larger knobs. Our eyes are not as good...larger S-meter. AND OUR RETIREMENT PAY is not as
much as we once earned, so don't make it too expensive!

73 - Rick, DJ0IP
(Nr. Frankfurt, Germany)

-----Original Message-----
From: TenTec [mailto:tentec-bounces@contesting.com] On Behalf Of Bwana Bob
Sent: Monday, February 20, 2017 3:12 AM

I thought that the IC-7300 receiver was getting decidedly mixed reviews.
I'm not keen on a touch-screen implementation. 73,


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