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Re: [TenTec] OT - Desk Microphone Switch Issue

To: "Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment" <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [TenTec] OT - Desk Microphone Switch Issue
From: "Bob McGraw - K4TAX" <RMcGraw@Blomand.net>
Reply-to: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment <tentec@contesting.com>
Date: Fri, 4 Jul 2014 07:08:35 -0500
List-post: <tentec@contesting.com">mailto:tentec@contesting.com>
In cases where there are very low level signals and at very low currents, there may be inadquate voltage to create a "punch through" where a coating of silver oxide exists.
Yes you are correct "silver oxide is ALMOST as conductive as silver".

Bob, K4TAX

----- Original Message ----- From: "Jerry Haigwood" <jerry@w5jh.net>
To: "'Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment'" <tentec@contesting.com>
Sent: Thursday, July 03, 2014 10:25 PM
Subject: Re: [TenTec] OT - Desk Microphone Switch Issue

   I have always been told silver oxide is almost as conductive as silver
and doesn't need to be cleaned like gold.

Jerry W5JH
"building something without experimenting is just solder practice"

-----Original Message-----
From: TenTec [mailto:tentec-bounces@contesting.com] On Behalf Of Bob McGraw
Sent: Thursday, July 03, 2014 10:21 PM
To: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment
Subject: Re: [TenTec] OT - Desk Microphone Switch Issue

One easy and convenient way to clean relay contacts and key contacts is to
use a common white paper business card.

And better yet, if you have a friend that is an artist, get a scrap piece of
their acid free paper.  Cut it into strips, place one between the contacts
and gently close the contacts and pull the paper out.  You may have to do
this two or three times but you will end up with nice clean shiny contacts
and a couple of black marks on the paper. Oh, those black marks residing on
the paper are silver oxide.

Bob, K4TAX

----- Original Message ----- From: "K8JHR" <jrichards@k8jhr.com>
To: "Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment" <tentec@contesting.com>
Sent: Thursday, July 03, 2014 9:24 PM
Subject: Re: [TenTec] OT - Desk Microphone Switch Issue

Hi Stuart - I appreciate your take on this.  And yet...     ;-)

A)   The Caig web site is particularly clear using such solvents on such
switches is contraindicated.  It recommends against using solvents on
switches that employ porous phenolic wafer insulators.

B)   While I appreciate the risk of filing down the metal... I am
confident my burnishing tool ...er... "barely scratched the surface." It
is not like I used coarse sand paper or a harsh metal file.   ;-)

I considered using a non-abrasive metal polish, but that would have been
awkward and would likely get the insulating wafers wet, which was a
paramount concern.

Happy days - OM.

----------------------  JHR ---------------------------

On 7/3/2014 9:34 PM, Stuart Rohre wrote:
DeOxit combines the cleaner, deoxide agent, and contact lubricant into
one application.
A burnishing tool should only be used if all else fails, as you are
removing metal forever, if too vigorously used.

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