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[TenTec] RF Speech Processor

To: tentec@contesting.com
Subject: [TenTec] RF Speech Processor
From: dhhdeh@comcast.net
Reply-to: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment <tentec@contesting.com>
Date: Fri, 14 Jun 2013 12:57:17 +0000 (UTC)
List-post: <tentec@contesting.com">mailto:tentec@contesting.com>
Gary is 100% correct if your objective is to work rare DX in a competitive 
environment. This can be configured as he describes with great success towards 
that end. 


Back in the 1970's one of my good friends and DX mentor who was, and is, a top 
DX'er around here (#1DXCC, Worked All Counties X4, Worked All Oblasts, high 
scores in the DX contests etc) ran a TR-7 with no on-board processor into two 
VOMAX RF processors in series (very similar to the TT 234 and today's digital 
715) into a L4-B and then to a 4 element wide spaced 20m monobander at 75 feet. 
A big gun DX'er he was. 


It wasn't pretty sounding but there was no pileup of that era that he could not 
crack with more than three calls. None. 
I used to tell him that it sounded like "war" mode but it worked marvels for 
his DXing objective back then. 


My experience with the 715 using it with my Omni V.9, Corsair II and now my 
Omni VII is that it gives my signal the presence similar to having a 600 
watt amp in line. And if I really need that contact, I occasionally use it in 
series with the rig's on-board SP with similar results to what Gary describes, 
being careful of how much of each to use. No tower, beam or linear  here and 
with #348 for DXCC..... It works. 


73 de N1LQ-Dave
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