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[TenTec] early morning questions

To: <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject: [TenTec] early morning questions
From: kh7m@hsa-kauai.net (Jim Reid)
Date: Sun, 19 Nov 2000 11:38:55 -1000
>       I currently use the Yaesu YH-55 headset which, because 
> it is very sensitive and requires little audio gain to produce 
> adequate volume,..... appears to have a limited audio 
> passband which peaks around 700-800 Hz, perfect for 
> CW reception..... the YH-55 has been an excellent CW 
> headset over the years.

However,  the YH-55  seems no longer available;
catalogs now list a YH-77ST,  stereo.  I also have
a Heil Proset,  but had to peel the "plastic" film off
the ear cushions:  turned to flakes in a few short
years,  and rings your ears with black!!  Now just have
the bare cushions.  But,  they are too warm for this
tropic climate!!

Are the Yaesu "cans"  total ear covering,  and therefore
presumably hot/perspire after a time?  I also have a
several year old Heil "mini" boomset.  Took the mike
boom off;  this is the little headset with red socks over
the ear pieces.  But the plug/cord has become intermittent:
first one ear,  then the other has the audio!!

So,  need new headset,  but one which will not cause
discomfort in a rather warm,  humid climate.  Any
ideas,  anyone using the newer Heil Pro-Micro boom
set?  Appears that the little red socks might fit over
the ear pieces.  The fabric socks are best,  I think,
for the climate here.  What is used in the Southeastern
US mainland/Florida;  might have a more similar climate
to this on Kauai?

Thanks for any thoughts,
73,  Jim,  KH7M

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