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[TenTec] Omni VI plus

To: <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject: [TenTec] Omni VI plus
From: dacalvin@us.ibm.com (dacalvin@us.ibm.com)
Date: Wed, 5 May 1999 11:19:49 -0500

But ICOM's are the same way - at least my IC-765 used LSB for CW, and (I think)
the IC-735 does also.  I had two Kenwoods that used USB for CW.  You could
pre-set your RIT for the correct RX offset and then turn it off until needed...
Just a thought.

     73, Duane    AC5AA

Duane A. Calvin
Server Systems Test Engineer
Dept. 76TS   RS/6000 - SP Nodes
IBM Austin, TX      >O<     Tie: 793-3368

"Dr. Gerald N. Johnson, P.E." <geraldj@ames.net> on 05/05/99 09:56:28 AM

Please respond to geraldj@ames.net

To:   Peter Inskeep <pinskeep@iglou.com>
cc:   Piotr Tomczak <pito@nera.no>, TenTec@contesting.com (bcc: Duane
Subject:  Re: [TenTec] Omni VI plus

One grumble I have is the choice of receive mode for CW on 14 and 28
MHz. For some reason the Omni V and VI use LSB for CW on those bands.
This is a great obstacle to using either radio with a transverter for
serious VHF operation where one may work CW and SSB alternately in the
same QSO because of weak signals. Might actually want to copy USB and
send CW 800 hz above the USB carrier frequency. When the mode shifts and
the receive frequency shifts so drastically between modes, one looses
contacts in contest situations from not correcting the dial properly.
Hence I have selected a Corsair II for such uses. It does work CW and
USB on 10m with the same PTO and mixer frequencies so switching modes is

I presume that if one really wanted to, the computer control program for
the Omni VI could be disassembled and the errors corrected but that's a
lot of work.

73, Jerry, K0CQ

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