I wanted to inform everyone of the TR-Log price change.
As of Jan 1, 1997 TR-Log is now priced as follows:
New copy of TR - $60.00
Shipping $ 4.00 (us/ve)
Shipping $ 6.00 (everywhere else)
Other (unchanged) prices:
TR subscription $15.00 per year
TR Life memeber $100.00 (such-a-deal)
The above allow you to access updates of the TR logging software
via email updates over the internet or via the TR-BBS.
One year of updates comes with your purchase of TR log.
Printed and bound manual - $10.00 ($3 shipping)
Disk with software on it - $ 3.00
Package deal:
1 - TR subscription
1 - Printed manual
1 - New software disk
All for just $30.00
BTW the above is all it would cost if you have ever ordered
in the past and would like to get up to speed with a new version.
Thank You
George Fremin III
Austin, Texas C.K.U. "My theory is that if you can work everything
K5TR you can hear on 75, then obviously your're
512/416-7010 not hearing enough." -- John NT5C