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[SECC] me stupido!

Subject: [SECC] me stupido!
From: w4dd09 at (Jeff (W4DD))
Date: Sun, 13 Dec 2015 12:41:42 -0500


I'm sure no one on this reflector has ever done anything like that.   We
always get it right every time.


Actually, I have to keep reminding myself to set everything up a couple days
in advance and test it.  Seems like if I wait until the day of the contest,
something is not working quite right.




From: SECC [mailto:secc-bounces at] On Behalf Of Courtney Judd
Sent: Sunday, December 13, 2015 11:34 AM
Subject: [SECC] me stupido!


man, i think that my higher brain functions have gone downhill big time! I
should have been able to sort this problem out in short order! Didn't see
the light until this morning! I had everything set up for the ten test this
weekend and started out Friday but couldn't hear anything.... zero! OK, I
thought solar storm or something! Saturday heard a few weak signals , I
could work those all ok... S-meter never came off zero, SWR checked normal,
rig set up right... checked other bands and they are all covered with big
signals... so what's the problem with 10? I finally noticed a little RX
light lit up on the antenna selection button on the 2000D . Here I had been
listening on the external antenna port which had nothing attached to it...
no wonder i could not hear anything..... all back to normal except I feel
incredibly stupid! lol Cort

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