Late received score:
ARRL Field Day
K4NRC 1244CW 919Ph 90Dig 2,253 4A LP 24 GA This is the Gremillion
Memorial Radio Club in Newnan. Score submitted to 3830 by KB5JC.
WX4MAP 15 44 0 74 1D LP 2.5 AL RCRC
Claimed Scores, Last Week's Contests:
1. NCCC NS Sprint CW Practice, 7/3/15
W4OC 58 50 2,900 SO LP 0.5 SC SFCG SO24
K4BAI 52 44 2,288 SO LP 0.5 GA SECC
K1GU 42 35 1,470 SO LP 0.5 TN TCG
AA4CF 24 23 552 SO LP 0.5 GA SECC
2. FISTS Slow Speed Summer Sprint
K4BAI 22 13 1,742 SO LP 1:56 GA SECC
3. QRPARCI Summer Homebrew Sprint
K4BAI 17 14 6,468 SO QRP SB 20M A2 1:40 GA SECC
4. YV Independence Contest
Call CWQ PhQ Mul
K4BAI 6 0 7 154 SO AB HP CW 0:26 GA SECC
Very little activity in this one. Not even the YV stations were QRV.
5. Marconi Memorial HF CW Contest
K4BAI 208 63 48,384 SO AB HP 8:44 GA SECC
6. DL-DX RTTY Contest
WB2RHM/4 115 74 116,180 SOAB-6 HP 5:48 NC SECC
7. July Adventure Radio Society Spartan Sprint
K4BAI 47 47 SO QRP 30#+ 2.0 GA SECC
N4SX 20 20 SO QRP 15# GA
WA4ZOF 15 15 SO QRP 15# GA
KK4BNC 10 10 SO QRP 1.0 GA
This Week's Contests:
1. CWOps Club CWT Mini Tests. Three separate one-hour tests each
Wednesday. 1300Z, 1900, and 0300Z (Thursday UTC date). 160-10M CW.
Exchange: Name + CWOps # or SPC. Look around 028-040 kHz on each band
plus up from 1815 kHz.
2. QRP Fox Hunt. 0100-0230Z Friday (Thursday night local date). Two
QRP Foxes will be calling within 10 kHz plus or minus of 14060 kHz.
Work only the two foxes. Exchange: RST, SPC, Name, Power. Use no more
than 5W output. Work only the two foxes, who are K4BAI, JOHN, GA and
3. NCCC RTTY Sprint Practice. 0145-0215Z Friday (Thursday night
local). 15, 20, 40, 80, 160M RTTY. 100W maximum power. One kHz QSY
rule. Exchange: both calls, #, name, SPC. Same band dupes OK after
one intervening QSO. Look around 080 kHz and up from 1805 kHz.
4. NCCC CW NS Sprint Practice. 0230-0259Z Friday (Thursday night local
date). 15, 20, 40, 80, 160M CW. 100W maximum power. One kHz QSY rule.
Exchange: both calls, #, name, SPC. No same band dupes permitted.
Look around 040 kHz and up from 1815 kHz.
5. FISTS Summer Sprint. 0000-0400Z Saturday (Friday night local date).
80-10M CW. 100W maximum power. Exchange: RST, SPC, Name, Fists# or
power. Look around 058 kHz on each band.
6. IARU HF World Championship. 1200Z Sat to 1200Z Sun. 160-10M CW,
Phone. Exchange: RS(T) + ITU Zone # or IARU Society for HQ stations.
Here in the SE USA, our ITU zone is 08. W1AW/5 will be QRV from NM and
NU1AW/7 will be QRV from WA. Most other active national societies will
be represented in the contest.
7. Straight Key Century Club Weekend Sprintathon. 12Z Sat to 24Z
Sunday. Use mechanical key only. 160-6M CW. Exchange: RST, SPC,
Name, SKCC# or "NONE." Look around 050 kHz and up from 1815 kHz.
8. Colorado QRP Club Great Colorado Gold Rush. 2000-2159Z Sunday. 20M
CW only. (Look around 14060 kHz.) 5W maximum power. Exchange: RST +
SPC + Class + CQC# or power. Classes are: W = wires, V = vertical, B =
beam, P = any portable antenna. You may QSO the same station again
after 30 minutes have passed for a maximum of three QSOs with each
station. I couldn't access the web site today and there hasn't been
much interest in this club's sprints lately.
9. CWOps Club CWT Mini Tests. Every Wednesday. See #1 above.