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[SECC] Claimed Scores, Last Week's Contests; This Week's Contests

Subject: [SECC] Claimed Scores, Last Week's Contests; This Week's Contests
From: k4bai at (John Laney)
Date: Wed, 08 Apr 2015 16:18:54 -0400
Please don't forget this weekend's GA QSO Party.  If all goes well, the 
SECC club call W4AN/M will be QRV from many GA counties.  A lot of 
activity from GA mobiles and fixed stations and portables is 
anticipated. A fun time for all.  Check the website: for all details, including announced county 
activations, rules, etc.  Lots of award to be earned too.

Claimed Scores, Last Week's Contests:

1.  Montana QSO Party
Call   CWQ  PhQ  CWM  PhM  Score   Category  Time  St  Club
K4BAI    3    1    3    1     28   SOMix HP  0:14  GA  SECC

2.  QRPARCI Sprint QSO Party
K4BAI  97  50  145,950  SO QRP 5W (A2)  5:49  GA  SECC

3.  SP (Poland) DX Contest
Call   CWQ  PhQ Mul  Score   Category  Time  St  Club
K3IE    97    0  39  11,349  SO3BCWLP  4     TN  TCG
K4BAI   70    3  31   6,789  SOABMixHP 3:37  GA  SECC

4.  EA (Spain) RTTY Contest
WB2RHM/4  413  257  185,297  SO AB HP  15  NC  SECC
NJ4F      208   67   62,124  SO AB HP   9  SC  SFCG
KM4JA      58  151    9,815  SO AB HP   4  AL  ACG

5.  Mississippi QSO Party
Call     CWQ  PhQ  DigQ  Mul  Score   Category  Time  St  Club
K4ZGB/M  270    0     0   53  14,310  Mob LP    4:30  MS  ACG  12 co's
WN4AFP    39   38     0   38   4,408  SO LP     ____  SC  SFCG
KG4IGC    18   17     0   28   1,512  SO QRP    4:57  SC  SFCG
K4BAI      8   11     0   10     270  SO HP     3:24  GA  SECC

6.  Missouri QSO Party
Call    CWQ  PhQ  DigQ  Mul  Score   Category  Time  St  Club
N4PN    139  168     0  101  45,246  SOFix HP  12    GA  GCG
WN4AFP   87   38     0   69  14,728  SOFix LP  ____  SC  SFCG
K4BAI    48   33     0   38   5,002  SOFix HP   5:42 GA  SECC
KG4IGC   31   32     0   41   3,995  SOFixQRP   7:57 SC  SFCG

7.  April Adventure Radio Society Spartan Sprint
K4BAI  48  48  SO QRP Tubby (30#+)  2.0  GA  SECC
N4SX   23  23  SO QRP 1W 15#        2.0  GA
KK4BNC  5   5  SO QRP 5W                 GA

8.  CWOps Club CWT Mini Test, 4/8/15, 1300Z
K2SX   84  67  5,628  SO HP  1.0   SC
AD8J   54  48  2,592  SO LP  0:44  NC  SECC
K4JAZ  44  39  1,716  SO LP  1.0   AL  SECC
K1GU   37  37  1,369  SO HP  0.4   TN  TCG
NN4K   38  31  1,178  SO LP  1.0   GA  GCG
WN4AFP 18  17    306  SO LP   .75  SC  SECC

This Week's Contests:

1.  CWOps Club CWT Mini Tests.  Every Wednesday.  Three separate 
one-hour mini tests.  1300Z, 1900Z, and 0300Z (Thursday UTC).  160-10M 
CW.  Exchange:  Name + CWOps # or SPC.  Look around 040 kHz and up from 
1815 kHz.

2.  NCCC RTTY Sprint Practice.  0145Z-0215Z Friday (Thurs night local). 
15, 20, 40, 80, 160M RTTY.  100w maximum power.  One kHz QSY rule. 
Exchange:  both calls, #, name, SPC.  Look around 080 kHz and up from 
1805 kHz.

3.  NCCC NS CW Sprint Practice.  0230-0259Z Friday (Thurs night local). 
  15, 20, 40, 80, 160M.  100W maximum power.  One kHz QSY rule. 
Exchange:  both calls, #, name, SPC.  Look around 040 kHz and up from 
1815 kHz.

4.  Japan International DX CW Contest.  0700Z Sat to 1300Z Sun.  160-10M 
CW.  Exchange:  RST + CQ Zone or JA prefecture #.

5. Straight Key Century Club Weekend Sprintathon (WES).  1200Z Sat to 
2400Z Sunday.  160-6M CW.  24 hour maximum operating time.  Use 
mechanical key.  Exchange:  RST, SPC, Name, SKCC# or "NONE."

6.  OK/OM (Czech and Slovak Republics) DX Contest, SSB.  12Z Sat to 12Z 
Sun.  160-10M SSB.  Exchange:  RS + Serial # or 3 Ltr District Code for 
OK/OM stations.  Work everyone.

7.  New Mexico QSO Party.  14Z Sat to 02Z Sun.  160-6M CW, Ph, Dig. 
Exchange:  Name + SPC or NM County.

8.  GEORGIA QSO PARTY.  18Z Sat to 0359Z Sun.  1400-2359Z Sunday. 
160-6M CW/Dig, Ph.  Exchange:  RS(T) + S/P/DX or GA county abbreviation.

9.  Yuri Gagarin International DX Contest.  12Z Sat to 21Z Sun.  160-10M 
+ satellites CW.  Exchange:  RST + ITU Zone.

10.  Worked All Britain (WAB) 2.5/7/14 mHz Data Mode Contest.  80, 40, 
20M RTTY, PSK31.  1200-2200Z Sun.  Exchange:  RSQ + country or RSQ + WAB 
square for UK stations.

11.  144 mHz Spring Sprint.  1900-2300Z local time Sunday.  2M any mode. 
Exchange:  6 character grid square.

12.  North American QRP CW Club April Sprint.  0030Z to 0230Z Wed 
(Tuesday night local date).  20, 40, 80M CW.  5W maximum power. 
Exchange:  RST + SPC + NAQCC# or power.  Double your score for using a 
hand key and 1 1/2 times your score for using a bug.

13.  CWTs every Wednesday.

Hope everyone a nice week and weekend and a lot of QSOs, especially in 
the GA QSO Party.  73, John, K4BAI.

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