Claimed Scores, Last Week's Contests:
1. NCCC RTTY Sprint Practice 3/7/14
W4OC 15 12 180 SO LP 0.25 SC SECC SO2R
2. NCCC NS CW Sprint Practice 3/7/14
W4OC 55 41 2,255 SO LP 0.5 SC SECC SO2R
K4BAI 51 33 1,683 SO LP 0.5 GA SECC
3. Wisconsin QSO Party
Call CWQ PhQ Mul Score Category Time St Club
N4PN 144 97 68 26,180 SOFix HP 7 GA GCG
K4BAI 84 54 51 11,322 SOFix HP 4:09 GA SECC
KJ4LTA 0 60 31 1,860 SOFix LP 6 AL ACG
WN4AFP 9 8 15 585 SOBeg LP 1 SC SECC
4. NCJ North American Sprint, RTTY
W4OC 186 39 7,254 SO LP 4.0 SC SECC SO2R
WW4LL 163 37 6,031 SO HP 4.0 GA GCG SO2R
5. Idaho QSO Party
Call CWQ PhQ CWM PhM Score Category Time St Club
K4BAI 20 8 14 5 912 SOMix HP 3:29 GA SECC
KJ4LTA 0 14 0 11 143 SOSSB LP ____ AL ACG
6. EA (Spain) PSK63 Contest
W5EW 79 60 9,702 SOAB LP 9 LA
7. Tesla Memorial HF CW Contest
K4BAI 16 ? SO HP 1:11 GA SECC
Score is determined by distance from each Grid Square.
8. Straight Key Century Club March Weekend Sprintathon
N4RAY 146 43 7,633 SOQRP ____ AL
W4JBB 107 39 5,248 SO LP AL
K4BAI 97 40 4,750 SO HP 6:28 GA SECC
AK4JA 88 36 4,278 SOQRPp GA
KC4HCH 79 34 3,641 SO LP AL
WN4AT 68 31 2,633 SO LP AL
KE4WKH 48 23 1,564 SO LP AL
AI4UN 30 23 1,020 SO LP GA GCG
W4LDA 26 15 645 SOQRP GA
KB0ETU 20 13 500 SOQRP AL
WB4IT 21 14 434 SO LP AL
K4JPN 19 13 422 SOQRP GA
NU4M 10 9 190 SO LP GA
KK4BNC 10 0 175 SOQRP GA
K4UFT 7 5 130 SO LP SC
9. CWOps Club CWT Mini Test, 3/12/14, 1300Z
W4BQF 80 67 5,360 SO HP 1.0 GA GCG
K4BAI 85 57 4,845 SO HP 1.0 GA SECC
WN4AFP 21 21 441 SO LP 0.5 SC SECC
K4JAZ 22 20 44- SO LP 1.0 AL
This Week's Contests:
1. CWOps Club CWT Mini Tests. Wednesday local date. 1900Z and 0300Z
(Thursday UTC). 160-10M CW. Exchange: Name + CWOps# or SPC. Look
around 028-038 kHz on each band plus 1815 kHz.
2. Thursday Night 80M QRP Fox Hunt. 0100-0230Z (Note this is one hour
earlier local time than when we were on Standard Time.) Two QRP Foxes
will be hiding between 3550 and 3570 kHz. Exchange: RST, SPC, Name,
Power. Work only the two foxes, who are scheduled to be KR0U, TIM, CO
and N9AW, Jerry, WI.
3. NCCC RTTY Sprint Practice. 0200-0225Z Friday (Thursday night
local). 100W maximum power. One kHz QSY rule. Exchange: both calls,
#, name, SPC. Add 15M band so bands are 15, 20, 40, 80M. Look around
080 kHz.
4. NCCC NS CW Sprint Practice. 0230-0300Z Friday (Thursday night
local). 100W maximum power. One kHz QSY rule. Exchange: both calls,
#, name, SPC. Add 15M band, so bands are 15, 20, 40, 80, 160M. Look
around 040 kHz and 1815 kHz.
5. BARTG HF RTTY Contest. 0200Z Sat to 0200Z Mon. 80-10M RTTY.
Single Ops may operate up to 30 hours or in a six-hour category.
Exchange: RST + Serial # + 4 digit UTC time.
6. Russian DX Contest. 12Z Sat to 12Z Sun. 160-10M CW, SSB.
Exchange: RS(T) + serial # or Russian oblast abbreviation.
7. Virginia QSO Party. 14Z Sat to 02Z Sun; 12-24Z Sun. All except
WARC bands. CW, Ph, Dig. Exchange: Serial # + VA county or
independent city abbreviation or # and S/P/"DX."
8. NCJ North American Sprint, SSB. 0000-0400Z Sun (Sat night local).
20, 40, 80M SSB. Exchange: both calls, #, name, SPC. One/Five kHz QSY
rule. Teams may be entered of 2 to 10 members. I have had no one state
interest in a team, but if you do want to be on a team, let me know.
9. Flying Pigs QRP Club Run for the Bacon. 0200-0400Z Monday (Sunday
night local). 160-10M CW. 5W maximum power. Exchange: RST, SPC, FP#
or power. (Note that these times are correct. WA7BNM is wrong on this
10. Tuesday night 40M QRP Fox Hunts. Same rules as for Thursday night
on 80M, but frequency range is 7030 to 7050 kHz and the foxes are
scheduled to be NK6A, DON, CA and NK9G, RICK, WI.
Hope everyone has a nice week and weekend and a lot of QSOs. The
Russian and Virginia contests will be a lot of fun and I understand that
RTTY ops like the BARTG contest too. 73, John, K4BAI.