Sorry, folks. Apparently, I was wrong in relying on the CWOps Club
Website (and the WA7BNM Contest Calendar). W6SX says that we will have
CWOps Club CWTs next Wednesday as usual, even though it is Christmas
Day. That may work out OK for some of us. Our children and
grandchildren will be at our house for lunch only so I can probably
participate in all three CWTs. Maybe not the 1900Z session if the XYL
wants to go to a movie.
Anyway, for next Wednesday local date, we will have CWOps CWT Mini Tests
for one hour each at 13Z, 19Z, and 03Z (Thursday UTC date). 160-10M CW.
Exchange: Name and CWOps # or state/province/country ("SPC"). Look
around 028 to 038 kHz on each band plus lower in the band on 160M. Have
fun. Seasons Greetings to all.
73, John, K4BAI.