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[SECC] Announcement: QRP CW Summer Fox Hunts

Subject: [SECC] Announcement: QRP CW Summer Fox Hunts
From: k4bai at (John T. Laney III)
Date: Wed, 23 Jun 2010 09:50:13 -0400
These are a lot of fun. Give them a try. 73, John, K4BAI.
from Jerry, N9AW included below]

It's almost here, the great 20 meter summer foxhunts. Do you have your
antenna tuned up and ready to go?

The summer hunts will start on Tuesday, July 6th. Each Tuesday evening
(local USA) for 10 weeks there will two foxes on 20 mtrs lurking +/- 10 khz
of 14.060. The USA local starting time will be 2100 EDT / 2000 CDT / 1900
MDT / 1800 PDT. This is 0200Z on Wednesdays for all of us.

The schedule has been set. It will be posted to
soon. In the mean time, you can use the attached PDF file schedule BUT
PLEASE DON'T SAVE IT - USE THE ONE ON THE WEBSITE due to potential upcoming

A big thank you to all of the foxes and alternates who volunteered to make
the summer hunts happen. I look forward to working with you this summer.
Also, working to make the hunts happen are Marshall, N1FN in CO. (Committee
Chairman) and Dale, WC7S, in WY (Committee Scorekeeper). A big thank you
to you guys for all that you do behind scenes.

Let's have some FUN !!

If you have any questions please let me know. Full details, rules and
results will be posted on the website.


Jerry N9AW
Foxhunt Committee - Scheduler


Attachment(s) from Jerry, N9AW

1 of 1 File(s)

Summer2010 Foxhunt Schedule FINAL 20100622.pdf 
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