I'd like to welcome Buzz Kutcher, K3GWK to the SECC - Welcome aboard
Buzz hails from Jenkinsburg, GA, not far at all from the large M/M here
in GA Buzz - NQ4I in Griffin.
Buzz was first licensed in 1971 as WN3QIQ and is a life member of the
Keystone VHF Club in York, PA, the Southern Crescent ARC in McDonough
and the SEDXC. Buzz says he is "essentially an SSB operator" on most of
the HF bands, and he is active in several contests per year. Being from
PA, one of those is the PA QSO Party where he has worked 57 counties -
nice going!
Buzz runs an ICOM IC-746Pro and a Butternut vertical. While usually
barefoot, Buzz allows as how he occasionally operates wearing socks. I
wish I had thought that one up!
Welcome Buzz. You are well within the SECC circle and we welcome any
scores you can contribute to the club.
Best 73,
Hal, N4GG