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[SECC] Announcement: Special NA Sprint Practice with Hand Keys on New Ye

Subject: [SECC] Announcement: Special NA Sprint Practice with Hand Keys on New Year's Eve
From: k4bai at (John T. Laney III)
Date: Wed, 30 Dec 2009 08:01:43 -0500
The NCCC Winter Sprint Ladder competition, part of NCCC Thursday night 
CW contesting, now underway, is taking a two week break. 

But on New Year's Eve we'll gather for a half-hour Straight Key Sprint 
concurrent with the ARRL SKN.    Times, scoring and rules are exactly as 
for the regular NS. We encourage participation in the ARRL SKN. . . you 
can view the NS half hour as a kind of hyper-contest break from that 
activity, allowing you to really destroy your hand.

See for general rules. In summary .

  0230-0300Z  January 1, Thursday night  Dec 31 in NA.
  -- 20, 40, 80, 160m cw (around 1816 on 160m)
  -- 100 watts max
  -- Sprint format: Ser #, Name, State
  -- No same-band dupes
  -- Scoring: 1 pt / Q x Band mults as in NAQP

Report scores to the NCCC-Blue reflector if you subscribe, else directly 
to N6ZFO at <mailto:N6ZFO at>.  There will *not* be a 3830 
form for this event.  We can gather on 3540 afterwards using any old 
key, for discussion, score reporting etc.

NOTE: on 40m there may be minor frequency competition with the RTTY 
Roundup Practice being conducted by the NCCC. That event has priority, 
so give the RTTY guys their room, which is I believe 7050 down to 7040. 
Note there's a 2nd RTTY practice on Jan 1.  We should be mostly ok at 
the usual NS frequency around 7040.

Here's hoping many of you can participate in the kind-of-crazy NS 
activity.  But in any case, the NS crew wishes everyone a Happy New Year.

73 Bill n6zfo


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  • [SECC] Announcement: Special NA Sprint Practice with Hand Keys on New Year's Eve, John T. Laney III <=