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[SECC] Up Coming NAQP CW Contest - SECC Teams Get Ready

Subject: [SECC] Up Coming NAQP CW Contest - SECC Teams Get Ready
From: w4dd at (Jeff, W4DD)
Date: Sat, 26 Dec 2009 14:48:33 -0500
Part time

Jeff, W4DD

-----Original Message-----
From: Ralph K1ZZI [mailto:k1zzi at] 
Sent: Saturday, December 26, 2009 1:45 PM
To: secc at
Subject: [SECC] Up Coming NAQP CW Contest - SECC Teams Get Ready

NAQP CW Jan 9th 1800Z to Jan 10th 0600Z (Local Sat 1:00 PM to Sun 1:00 AM)

If you haven't tried this contest before please consider it and join a team.
It's lot's of fun.  This is an excellent opportunity for our new SECC
members to get started too.  NAQP is a contesting favorite!

Here are some highlights:

* Five people max to a team and we will have multiple teams

* Anyone can play anywhere - SECC Circle does NOT apply.

* Contest period is 12 hours but you can only operate a max of 10 hours
   so you get to pick your own operating hours.  Off times must be 30
   minutes minimum.

* Exchange: Name and State (No RST)

* Output Power limited to 100W

* Objective: Work as many NA stations as possible on 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10
   NA stations = 50 U.S. States and 13 Canadian Provences / Territories.
   Complete NAQP rules here:

I would like to start making a signup list now.  PLEASE let me know if you
would like to participate and indicate if you plan to operate Full
Time (FT) or Part Time (PT).

You never done this before and need help getting started?  Please feel
free to contact me directly or post questions to the reflector.  We have
lots of help available.

Ralph K1ZZI
k1zzi at

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