Last Week's Claimed Scores:
1. ARRL Sweepstakes, CW
K4TD 1411 80 225,760 MOHP 24 AL Ops: K4TD, VE7ZO, KR4F
N4OGW 1196 79 188,968 SOLP 24 MS Missed NT SO2R
K0EJ 1137 80 181,920 SOHP 21 TN At W4NZ SO2R
K4BAI 1138 79 178,224 SOHP 24 GA Missed NT
K9MUG 1015 80 162,400 SOHP 21 AL
N4PN 1005 80 160,320 SOLP 22 GA
NA4BW 934 79 147,572 SOLP 23:45 GA At K4SSU Missed NT
K1ZZI 882 80 141,120 SO(U)HP 21 GA
NF4A 861 79 136,038 SO(U)HP 21 FL Missed NT
K2SX 822 80 131,520 SO(U)HP 15.4 SC
K6LRG 823 79 130,034 SOLP 23 EB By K4VU Missed ND
W4IX 768 79 120,554 SOLP 19 SC Missed NT
W4BQF 687 80 109,920 SOHP 13.5 GA
W3WL 562 78 87,672 SOLP 13:45 GA
K3AN 510 77 78,540 SOQRP 18 SC Missed MB, NT, OK
K4ZGB 537 72 77,328 SOHP 13 AL
KU8E 480 77 73,920 SOHP 10 GA
KC4HW 462 75 69,300 SOLP 16 AL
K4BQP 325 73 47,450 SOHP 17 AL
K4OD 302 72 43,488 SOLP 20.5 GA
KG4CUY 295 73 43,070 SOLP 19 AL
N4GG/4 251 70 35,140 SOLP 10:11 FL
K4WI 180 79 28,440 SO(U)LP 20 AL Missed NT
NV4B 180 78 28,080 SOLP 7 AL
N2WF 112 56 12,544 SOLP 5 GA
W4NTI 83 39 6,474 SO(U)HP 3 AL
Many others were active, but these are the only reports I have been able
to find so far.
2. Ukranian DX Contest
Call CW Q Ph Q SP DX Score Category Time State
K4BAI 129 15 21 31 41,964 SOSB/20HP 3:02 GA
3. Adventure Radio Society November Spartan Sprint QRP
K4BAI 21 21 SO QRP 5W 2.0 GA
4. NCCC Sweepstakes CW Practice 10/31
K4BAI 36 21 1,512 SOHP 0.5 GA
K0EJ 26 16 832 SOLP 0.5 TN
5. NCCC Sweepstakes CW Practice, 11/2
K4BAI 36 24 1,720 SOHP 0.5 GA
This week's contests:
1. Thursday night NA CW practices: SNS Slow Speed. 0200-0215Z. 20,
40, 80 CW. 100 W maximum. 23 WPM maximum. Exchange: Both calls, #,
Name, SPC. NS: 0230-0259Z. 20, 40, 80, 160 CW. 100 W maximum. Same
exchange. As to both practices, dupes OK after band change or one
intervening QSO. Count mults per band.
2. WAEDC RTTY Contest. 48 hours of Sat and Sun. UTC. 80-10M RTTY. 36
hours maximum for single ops. Exchange: RST + Serial #. Club
aggrepate score competition.
3. Japan Intenational Phone Contest. 07Z Sat to 13Z Sun. 80-10M SSB.
Exchange: RS + CQ Zone or JA Prefecture #. Work only Japanese stns.
4. OK/OM DX Contest. 12Z Sat to 12Z Sun. 160-10M CW. Exchange: RST
+ Serial # or 3 letter District Code. Work only Czech and Slovak stations.
5. Kenturcky QSO Party. 14Z Sat to 02Z Sun. 160-6M CW/SSB. Exchange:
RS(T) + SPC or KY county. Bonus points for a QSO with KY4DXA.
6. Straight Key Century Club Weekend Sprintathon. 24 hours of Sunday
UTC. 160-10M CW. Use only a mechanical key. Exchange: Name + SPC +
SKCC # or power.
I'll probably spend some time in everything listed except WAE RTTY. I
still need some KY counties for all time. Hope everyone has a good
weekend and a lot of QSOs.
John, K4BAI.