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[SECC] Dunwoody Antenna

Subject: [SECC] Dunwoody Antenna
From: w4nti at (Dan/W4NTI)
Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2006 14:57:23 -0500
My experience "up North" is somewhat different.  Which partially 
explains why I now live in Bama.  We don't have
problems with antenna's,  we just shoot at each other over the backyard 
chicken coop..... ;-)


K9AY wrote:
> For what it's worth...
> >From 1985-1996, I lived in suburban Denver (now the city of Centennial), a 
> typical 'burb of modest tri-level and 4-level homes.
> While living there, I had 65 feet of Rohn 25 with a tribander and 
> shorty-forty beam. Yes, during that time I had couple neighbors who hated 
> the tower, but nearly all the others up and down the street were extremely 
> nice and undisturbed by the tower's presence.
> My main point is that during the time we lived there, EVERY house 
> immediately adjacent or across the street was sold at least once (about 12 
> or 13 sales) -- and ALL of them sold quickly and at full market value, even 
> when the real estate market was weak.  The neighborhood was conveniently 
> located, with good schools and affordable houses -- apparently, these things 
> are far more important for property values than ham radio towers.
> Story #2 -- When we moved from Grayson to here in Wisconsin, we decided to 
> rent a house to avoid rushing into a real estate purchase. We found a house 
> where the landlords had split the property and built a new house. Of course, 
> when we moved in, there was a big pile of tower and aluminum and I explained 
> to the landlord that I was a ham operator. When I went to their door a month 
> later with the next rent check, he asks, "So when you gonna put up the 
> tower?" That's my kind of landlord -- and next-door neighbor, to boot!
> 73, Gary
> K9AY
> _________________________
>> You folks in the Atlanta area, particularly in DeKalb County, should
>> check out the front page story in the Dunwoody Crier.  It is
>> interesting to see the comments about the article on the Crier
>> website.  Every one of them, as I write this, is in support of the
>> antenna.  FYI.
>> 73,
>> Jay, K4OGG
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