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From: aa4lr at (Bill Coleman)
Date: Mon, 28 Nov 2005 23:20:13 -0500
On Nov 28, 2005, at 5:43 AM, Sherman Banks wrote:

> Equipment: Orion, K2, Alpha 374, A4S Tribander @ 50', 40 Dipole @ 45',
> 160M Inv.L

Ok, our stations are very similar - tribander at 15m, 40m dipole,  
vertical for 160m. I have a 600 watt amp, but didn't use it this  
weekend. I also had an 80m antenna.

> This is always a very frustrating contest for me since most of the
> people on the band I can't work for credit.

I had no trouble tuning around and finding lots of DX.

>   I had hoped an amplifier
> would make the contest more fun.  I think I was able to get through
> about 3 pileups, but the rest was useless.

I didn't have this much trouble, but I was only running 100 watts. I  
usually got through most pileups in the first couple of calls. There  
were a few that were tougher. There were also some I gave up on. With  
LP and modest antennas, you have to use more finesse.

I noticed that you were running assisted. This may have something to  
do with it. If you are bouncing packet spots you can expect a lot of  
high-powered competition. I had less trouble with old-fashioned  
tuning around.

I did have one incident where I busted a pileup ahead of K1TTT. That  
was sweet.

>   I had hoped to run some on
> 20 and 15 but only got a few callers.  It gave me a lot of time to S&P
> on the second radio.  I was most successful running to SA on 15.   
> Thanks
> to the 10 PYs and LUs for coming back to my lonely CQ.

10m didn't seem to be open except to South America.

I tried a few CQs myself, with similar results.

Bill Coleman, AA4LR, PP-ASEL        Mail: aa4lr at
Quote: "Not within a thousand years will man ever fly!"
             -- Wilbur Wright, 1901

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