I decided to try something a different this year, so I did 80M SB(A).
Talk about frustration. I definitely am an elephant on this band!
There were many, many stations I could hear that could not hear me.
Calling CQ was just about useless. I think I worked about 10 DX
stations that way (and three or four times as many 0 point stations) and
no multipliers. Here are a few of the juicy ones heard and called but
never worked: 7X0RY, AH2R, ZC4LI, 9V1YC, B1Z, VR2KW, VR2BG, UN5P (long
path), VK9AA (long path), and several EY and EX. Stuff I did work
included: 8Q7DV, 3B8/OM3PC, 9H1ZA, R1MVC, TK/DJ9RR, TZ5A, FO/N6JA (my
buddy, Brad), T88AA, and A45XR.
TX Antenna is full size elevated wire GP. RX 4 550' and a 200' (towards
asia) beverages. FT1000MP, HB 8877, Writlog.
QSOs QSO points Zones Countries
80m: 335 875 29 104 score: 115,500
Neal, K4EA