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[SECC] I am a LID

Subject: [SECC] I am a LID
From: w4nti at (Dan/W4NTI)
Date: Mon, 21 Nov 2005 18:02:36 -0600
Thanks for the report Tom.   My new beam is showing me I waited three years 
too long before I deployed it (put it up for you civilians...hi).

You can expect all sort of disgruntled action in a phone contest.  This is 
the norm it seems.

In fact during a run on 20 a station made an attempt to run me off the 
frequency.  He gave the call of K3TW.  And we all know that may or may not 
be right.. hi.

Well it didn't work and I didn't jump his case....what a surprise....and I 
just continued on.  For me that was a good thing.

As for nets.   I do traffic nets.  And understand the mind set of  "we been 
here.....and were gonna...etc"

Ain't no easy answers folks......


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Tom Drake" <tbdrake at>
To: "Macie, Gordon" <GMacie at>; <secc at>
Sent: Monday, November 21, 2005 2:59 PM
Subject: Re: [SECC] I am a LID

> To All SECC:
> Normally I'd figure that Gordon just had a run-in with some disgruntled
> idiots.  Yes,  the phone bands are rife with them. But,  this is too much.
> As a current VE (active since 1984)  I know there are NO provisions in 
> 97 (Part 95 regulates Citizen Band) that allow ANYONE to claim ANY 
> except by prior occupancy.  N4LR established prior occupancy and provided
> that his signal was compliant with respect to spectral purity,  the
> frequency was his until he relinquished.  If you doubt this,  ask K1MAN. 
> If
> they heard N4LR from 10+ khz away,  someone had a problem.  Again,  nets
> with published schedules have no claim to any frequency,  regardless of
> their purpose.
> As a veteran also,  that crap would make me angry too.  One wonders what 
> his
> service record is, or is it as imaginary as the call sign.
> This sort of behavior erupts during almost every SSB contest.  Expect it 
> and
> deal with it.  As I heard once on 75,  " You can have the frequency if you
> can take it!"
> Thanks to all who worked us at WW4LL this weekend.  W4NTI was plenty loud
> Sunday night in Sharpsburg on 20.
> Tom NN4RR
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Macie, Gordon" <GMacie at>
> To: <secc at>
> Sent: Monday, November 21, 2005 10:21 AM
> Subject: [SECC] I am a LID
>>I had a run it with a net on 40 meters Sunday morning.. I was on freq
>>someting like 7.244.75 and the net control started up on 7255. In the next
>>hours several stations came to my freq some identified , some not accusing
>>me on qrming them. I tried to slide down but about 1/2 kc was all I could
>>move without qrming someone else. It amazes that people on a net wouldn't
>>be able to find their net if it was 1 kc up... So they are nowing
>>discussing me on a yahoo group as a lid... It was apparently some kind of
>>ex military net. One station came on freq (no call of course) and told me
>>that was no way to treat a veteran. I not sure what that has to do with
>>radio etiquette. Of course I informed him that I was also a veteran... Oh
>> I have received from one of their group a private email. I haven't 
>> decided
>> whether I want to respond to it or not.. They were comments about a ham
>> test question about moving for a net... I really cant believe that is in
>> the fcc rules or on a test but I will dowload the latest part 95 and
>> research... One of the guys pointed out he had been a ham 35 years and
>> hadn't seen any one refuse to move for a net... The net control who
>> started taking pre checkins was in texas and 20 over nine so Im sure he
>> heard me when he continuouly asked for pre checkins... No one has claimed
>> I wasn't there first... They weren't not running any traffic emergency or
>> otherwise.. It seems like a holier than though attitude that their
>> activity is more important than mine... Oh well.... just venting.. I have
>> to admit the veteran comment ticked me off...
>> Gordon N4LR
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