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[SECC] My First Sweepstakes - the continuing saga

Subject: [SECC] My First Sweepstakes - the continuing saga
From: ae4y at (AE4Y)
Date: Mon, 07 Nov 2005 21:24:32 -0500
My First SS:

1969 as WN4JYB

Knight-Kit T60 transmitter with 3 crystals (one each in the Novice 80, 
40, and 15 meter segments)

Hammarlund HQ-110 receiver

W3DZZ all band dipole

On a good day, the old T60 would crank out 40 watts.  I must have put in 
15 hours of operation and managed to make, what to me at the time was, 
an amazing 27 QSOs!

Kent, AE4Y

Hal Kennedy wrote:
> This could start an interesting thread:
> My first SS:
> Gonset Super 6 receiving converter into a broadcast receiver; DX-20 with
> VF-1 running 50 watts to a folded dipole made of twinlead.  No antenna
> tuner - just shove the twinlead into the SO-239 and hope for the best.

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