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Subject: [SECC] RTTY and IC756PRO
From: fdennin at (Fred Dennin)
Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2005 17:08:36 -0400

You can home brew an interface to run with your sound card for almost
nothing, or you can buy a relatively inexpensive interface to run FSK.
MMTTY will work while running FSK or AFSK.  You can also run MMTTY under
Writelog, using it to log with instead of just MMTTY which will give you
some more versatility.

I suggest that you contact W4BW or one of the other builders in the club
about the interface.  Wish I could help you more on that.  We look forward
to working you on all bands during CQWW RTTY.  K9MUG (another SECC member),
K9JS and K5ZM will round out our multi-op team operating from PJ2T as PJ2B
during the RTTY contest.  We hope to work as many SECC members as possible.
We leave Atlanta a week from tomorrow on Sept. 20th and will be active there
for 7 days.  We should be on the air the night of our arrival on phone and
cw, setting up the RTTY stuff the following day.  We look forward to working
as many SECC members as we can.

Thanks for getting on RTTY for the contest Jeff and supporting our effort.

73'.......Fred WW4LL

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <ku8e at>
To: <secc at>
Sent: Monday, September 12, 2005 1:10 PM
Subject: [SECC] RTTY and IC756PRO

>  I have found out since I bought my IC756PRO that it is a pretty good
decoder/filters for recieving RTTY.  From what I understand you can transmit
using AFSK thru the mic jack or FSK using some type of  TNC ???  Can I use
the MMTTY program to do FSK or do I need some type of TNC/decoder ??
> I know there are some RTTY experts here in the SECC on this subject who
can offer me advice ??
> Also, please note I am only interested in doing this so I can work WW4LL
when he goes to PJ2 in the CQWW RTTY contest and maybe do some DXing.  KU8E
is NOT going to become a serious RTTY contester.
>   I know there might be a few people who might want to give me a hard time
becuase I have made comments about some RTTY contests interfering with some
of the CW contests I operate. Please don't rehash that stuff....
> 73, Jeff
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