CQ WPX SSB Contest.
NQ4I 6374 1205 15,863,825 47.5 M/M HP Ops shown below
NK4A 2142 814 3,808,495 34.5 SOABLP By N4PN
KR4M 723 427 793,793 27 SOABHP SC
N4NX 666 404 628,220 23 SOABLP
N4GG 569 356 463,868 10 SO(A)ABHP
W4NTI 510 312 360,672 14 SOAB(TS)HP
NA4W 326 202 139,986 25 SOSB10LP By K4WI
K4AQ 179 113 32,544 14.9 SOABQRP
NF4A 155 122 29,524 3 SOABHP At N4JF in AL
AC4CS 237 103 24,411 12:16 SOABHP
NA4BW 137 98 23,618 4.5 SOABQRP
W4ATL 92 77 11,473 1 SOSB20HP
K9MUG 7 2 14 SOAB
Many other members were QRV, but haven't reported their scores yet. I
suspect K4EA using his club call NJ4U had a big score and suspect he was
SB(A)15HP. From the 3830 reflector, I suspected that WY4N was the op at
KZ9O, but couldn't be sure even if that station was in SC or WI.
Thanks for everyone who called NQ4I.
John, K4BAI.