WX4TM 648 54 186,624 21 hrs. SOHP Expert
WW4LL 544 46 150,144 24 M/S HP Ops: K9MUG, WW4LL.
KE4KWE 480 40 115,200 16 SOLP 6 continents
AE4Y 160 29 23,200 ~5 SOLP 5 continents
W4BCG 191 27 15,471 - SOLP TN ham portable in AL
K4AQ 137 22 6,028 11.2 SOQRP 2 continents
I was a day later than usual getting these out due to a court trip to
Thomasville earlier in the week. Hope everyone has a nice week. There
are a lot of contests to play in this weekend, and we will be
contributing club aggregate scores to SECC for the CQ 160 CW contest.
Those who prefer may contribute their scores to SEDXC, but my impression
is that there is no emphasis on club aggregate scores in SEDXC at present.
John, K4BAI.