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[SECC] Alabama QSO Party

Subject: [SECC] Alabama QSO Party
From: k4sb at (K4SB)
Date: Wed Sep 29 13:31:52 2004 wrote:
>  Maybe we need to figure this out by what type of contests each operate 
> seriously and how it would benefit our club score.
>  I seem to hear W4OC more in domestic contests than DX.

Which is why I have been suggesting a response from W4OC as to his

> Maybe we ought to get rid of the term "full member" for those inside the ARRL 
> circle. Evryone should be a full member and those outside the ARRL circle 
> just have to live with the fact they can't submit scores for the ARRL 
> contests.

There is no mention in the C&BLs which state that "full membership" is
only for those inside the circle.

Incidentally, moving the circle even a little has more effect than you
might imagine.
It's hard to imagine, but whoever made that initial decision as to the
center of the circle accomplished the equivalent of a hole in one on a
shot between Earth and the Moon.

I'm going to try to devote more time to this matter, but frankly,
right now I'm swamped.
But, having an accurate list of those who do participate according to
the C&BLs might be a world of help. It's time to clean up the list,
once and for all.

Until I stopped a few months ago, I was the one who kept the master
RTTY database on 
AA5AU's page. And I will guarantee you if you're not on that list,
you're not on RTTY.

I do intend to submit a motion to be added to the C&BLs allowing the
circle to be shifted.
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