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[SECC] Questionnaire

Subject: [SECC] Questionnaire
From: ae4y at (AE4Y)
Date: Mon Sep 6 06:54:10 2004
I replied to this last night, but it just dawned on me that I sent it 
back to Greg and not to the reflector.

Let's try again.

Kent, AE4Y

Greg Richard wrote:

 >I think we all need to take a few minutes to fill out the following

 > questionaire so we will learn a bit about each person in the club. 
Post your answers to the reflector.
 > 1.  What got you interested in ham Radio?

I have been interested with radio since the 4th or 5th grade.  The idea 
that I can sit in my house and wirelessly communicate with other people 
all over the world has never lost its fascination

 > 2.  What is your favorite mode and why?
I've always been a CW operator.  My first rig was in the family room, 
which also housed the TV.  If I was going to operate, I had to use a 
mode that would not detract from others watching TV; thus headphones and 
no SSB.

 > 3. What got you interested in contesting?
The 1969 November Sweepstakes and a challenge from another ham that I 
went to school with.  I managed to make around 25 contacts.  He made 
closer to 40, won the challenge - but I'm still trying.

 > 4. What is your favorite contest and why?
Probably the CW Sweepstakes.  Same answer as above.  Although now I 
routinely make more than 25 contacts.

 > 5.  What is your current station line up? Rigs, antennas, etc.
My station has evolved toward simplicity over the years from the early 
days when I ran a KW to either yagis or quads to today's set-up 
consisting of a TS570DG (with a TS520S backup) to an invisible 
"neighborhood-friendly" dipole.  I do have an amp collecting dust in a 

 > 6. Besides radio, what do you do for fun?
With a lot of help from my wife, I have raised two sons.  I also enjoy 
photography, golf, and lately - creating web pages.

 > 7.  What do you do for a living?
Manufacturing management for ~ 30 years

 > 8.  What improvements do you plan to make to your station before the 
CQ WW SSB contest in Oct 2004?
Use Endust to clean off the desk and rig.  Pull the northern leg of the 
invisible dipole up a little higher.

 > 9.  How long have you been licensed?
34 years; since June 1968

 > 10.  What part of the hobby do you like the least?
The increase in poor operating practices that has crept into the hobby 
over the years; especially on SSB.


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