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[SECC] Claimed scores, 2004 ARRL RTTY Round-up

Subject: [SECC] Claimed scores, 2004 ARRL RTTY Round-up
From: k4bai at (John Laney)
Date: Fri Jan 16 13:37:29 2004
WX4TM   AL  1213  57  46  124,939  23.5 hrs.  LP
K9MUG   AL   818  56  42   80,264  20
KE4KWE  AL   660  58  44   67,320  19
K4WI    AL   260  39  30   17,940  8
WB6BWZ  GA   276  47  13   16,560  17.5       QRP
K4VU    AL   165  42  14    9,240

The last three are members of SECC.  The first three are well within our 
175-mile circle for ARRL contests, if I am not mistaken.  I think they 
are all three in Ala and local to Columbus.  If someone will look up 
their e-mail addresses and forward this message to them, maybe they will 
be willing to check out the South East Contest Club website and sign up 
with us and on our reflector.  With our club members already active on 
RTTY and these three stars of RTTY contesting, we could do quite well 
with club aggregate scores and team contesting too.  Sorry to ask 
someone else to do this, but my compute is about to be disassembled in 
preparation for replacement of the carpet in the office this weekend.


John, K4BAI.

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