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[SECC] Help with Partition Magic and DOS???

Subject: [SECC] Help with Partition Magic and DOS???
From: ku8e at (Jeffrey D Clarke)
Date: Thu Jan 15 21:43:32 2004
Well.... I finally got it to work. Here is what I had to do :

1) Copy the files in the WIN95 and DOS directory on Windows 95 Companion CD
, that came with my old Compaq computer to the new partition.

2) Reboot computer with Windows 98 boot disk in A: (floppy disk) drive.

3) Ran Windows 98 setup from Windows 98 Upgrade CD.

4) When it complained about the missing files during Windows 98 setup unload
Windows 98 Upgrade CD from CD rom drive and insert Windows 95 Companion
     CD. Point to the Win95 directory on that CD.

5) It thens tells you to insert the Windows 98 CD and proceeds with the
install in WIN 98 normally.

6) Activate new partition on Boot Magic.  Now when I reboot the computer it
asks if I want to boot up in WIN XP or WIN 98.

7)  I moved NA and my other contesting programs to a logical partition that
both WIN XP and WIN 98 will see...

Hopefullly this fixed everything. I will try out the keying and radio
control tomorrow and report back ....

                                               Jeff  KU8E

----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>; <>
Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2004 5:02 PM
Subject: [SECC] Help with Partition Magic and DOS???

> Hi All...
>   I need some advice about partitioning my hard drive.  Since we got our
> Dell computer, with Windows XP Home Edition, I have not been able to get
the keying and radio interface for NA to work. NA was also locking up all
the time but I got that fixed by unchecking the options for Radio1 and
> After researching the alternatives I went out and bought a copy of
Partition Magic 8.0.  I have my HD partitioned with Windows XP home as NTFS
> as the primary and then I have another partition that I am trying to setup
> MS DOS 6.22. This partition is setup as FAT32 and a Primary (so you can
boot from it) but after more research I am wondering if it needs to be FAT
???  From what I understand MS DOS 6.22 should be FAT16 but the Partition
Magic doesn't give you this choice when you make a new partition.
> Anyway, I went to the MS website and downloaded a file called MS DOS 6.22
setup. I think this is the same setup you get if you have the disks ???  I
copied this setup.exe file to my new partition and ran it and it installed a
bunch of files on my new partition.  I then add this partition to Boot
> When I restart my computer and Boot Magic give me the choice of which
partition to boot from I choose the partition I setup with MS-DOS 6.22. For
some reason it
> will not boot from this partition. I am thinking I need a autoexec.bat and
config.sys  because it doesn't look like the MS DOS 6.22 setup created those
files. I'm not sure what I need to put in those files???  Any ideas on what
I am doing wrong ???
> I also tried to install Windows 98 on the partition. The disk I have is
the upgrade CD and I don't think it has all the files on it ???  I made a
Windows 98
> boot disk from my old computer and got into the setup by booting from the
> It seems some of the files I need are missing becuase it takes an error.
> computer originally came with Windows 95 but it only came with a Compaq
> restore and Windows 95 Companion CD. I tried the restore CD be it seems to
only work with a Compaq computer because it also takes an error.  Any help
would be
> appreciated !!!
>                             Jeff KU8E
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