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Subject: [SECC] K4BAI NAQP CW Jan 2004
From: ku8e at (
Date: Mon Jan 12 13:24:15 2004
  Nice score John...

  It's too bad I got caught in that Columbus traffic jam... The way I was going 
  with the SO2R setup I might of made almost 900 QSO's with a FT effort. In the
  7 hours I was on I never had an hour below 80 per/hr. I found that switching 
  between CQing and S&P on 160 and 80 worked very well.  I think I have a decent
  signal on 160 because I had several W6/W7 stations answer my CQ's. I think 
  that the propagation was good for DX too... I worked about 5 EU stations on 
  160 on Friday night while setting up and testing the SO2R setup. Hopefully
  the condx will stick around for CQWW 160 in a couple weekends...


> From: John Laney <>
> Date: 2004/01/12 Mon AM 11:41:10 EST
> To: secc <>,  "Kyle Chavis" <>, 
>       Jim Jordan K4QPL <>,
> Subject: [SECC] K4BAI NAQP CW Jan 2004
> Below is my report to the 3830 reflector.  This contest was a lot of fun 
> and the rate never dropped very much until the last half hour (ending at 
> 0441 UTC) when the hourly rate was down to 66.
> I always leave somebody out, but I know I worked or heard the following 
> SECC related stations:  N4PN, N4GG, WY4Y (this is club call for Neil, 
> N4EIL), KU8E, K2UFT, AE4Y, N4LR in GA, W4NTI, KA1DWX, K4NO, K4IQJ in AL 
> and W4OC in SC.  I heard WB6BWZ and worked Kyle, WA4PGM, who was on one 
> of our teams.  Unheard from the teams were KA9EKJ, NJ8J, KB4KBS, WB4SQ 
> (but thanks for the score summary, Gary), and AA4LR.  I did not hear 
> AA4TT, but do have his score summary.  I would like to post a summary of 
> the scores here soon, so please submit your score to the reflector ASAP. 
>   W4OC especially, so we can fill out the claimed scores for SECC #1.
> Possible new recruits for SECC in addition to N4PN and N4EIL if they are 
> not already signed up:  W5UX (GA), N4KG (AL), K4VU (AL), N4MHQ (AL). 
> Billy, N4MHQ, will be outside our 175 mile circle since he is in 
> Tucaloosa, but he could still be on teams and contribute to CQ Magazine, 
> WAE, etc. club scores.  KA4NWS (SC).  His XYL, I believe, is also a 
> contester, KG4NWS.  Also worked:  Steve, K8JQ, who will be at NQ4I next 
> month for ARRL DX CW and NC7J (Dave, W7FB, NJ4X, NC7W, ex W0MHS, also 
> active as KD7AEE, op at W7CT, etc.) who will also be coming to NQ4I next 
> month.
> DX worked:  EA1WX (2 bands and the 40 meter QSO was about 2230 UTC), 
> IT9PPG, EA8CN (very loud on 40).  Good NA country mults:  XE2DX (3 
> bands), NP3A (3 bands), HK0VGJ (not really in contest, but CQing on 15 
> and giving only RST and Name, so no real delay to QSO him), ZF2NT, and a 
> likely pirate FM8EJ.  They haven't issued FM8 callsigns in years and, 
> when they did, the Ex suffix wasn't used.  They now use FM4 and FM5 and 
> special contest calls beginning with TO.  The guy tuned up about 500 hz 
> higher than my 40 meter frequency, called CQ several times, using both a 
> bug and a hand key, and they moved down to my frequency and called me 
> and gave his name as Bob.  He sent like an old time commercial op with a 
> "Lake Erie swing."  I then heard him call and work K4LTA just below my 
> frequency.  When he was using the hand key (QSK is wonderful), I thought 
> he might be CM8EJ, which is a possible good call, but using the bug 
> there is not doubt that he was using FM8EJ.  It isn't a call listed on 
> QRZ or Buckmaster.  I left it in the log.  I assume Bill, K4LTA , will 
> do the same.  Still, it is probably a pirate, but an interesting one.
> 40 meters went long early that that no doubt hurt the QSO total on that 
> band.  I think the mults weren't hurt much as I got most of the close in 
> mults between 2230 and 00 UTC before it went too long.  I had pretty bad 
> power line noise on 10 and 15 (particularly 10) and may have missed a 
> few possible backscatter QSOs, but those are very difficult with low 
> power even with a quiet location.  I am 100 miles further away away from 
> the eastern US stations, which may be an advantage on 20 M, but hurts 
> possible backscatter QSO totals on 15 and 10.
> SO2R would definitely be a help in this contest, for QSYing mults, if 
> for no other reason.  I responded with an effort to every request for a 
> QSY and made a few successful ones of my own (but didn't try as many as 
> I would have with SO2R or with less line noise on 10 and 15).  Make that 
> every request but one.  Someone requested a second try on 40 after the 
> first had failed due to long skip and I couldn't even hear him the first 
> time.  If I had heard him the first time, but he had missed me, I would 
> have tried again, but the second try seemed like a waste of time to me. 
>   You could afford to do that the second time with SO2R.
> Someone made a comment to me that bears repeating.  We in the SECC will 
> never work each other if all we do is S&P.  Someone has to stop and CQ. 
>   So, make an effort to CQ some even if your signal is weak.  I heard 
> WB6BWZ calling a lot of people, but not calling me, and I could have 
> worked him if I had found Matt calling CQ.
>                      North American QSO Party, CW
> Call: K4BAI
> Operator(s): K4BAI
> Station: K4BAI
> Class: Single Op LP
> Operating Time (hrs): 10
> Summary:
>   Band  QSOs  Mults
> -------------------
>    160:   78    30
>     80:  205    45
>     40:  147    42
>     20:  213    49
>     15:  115    40
>     10:   67    26
> -------------------
> Total:  825   232  Total Score = 191,400
> Club: South East Contest Club
> Team: SECC #1
> Comments:
> Good conditions.  Much fun.  Thanks for all the QSOs.
> Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: 
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> SECC mailing list

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