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[SECC] Re:Cabrillo Submission Web Applet now Available

Subject: [SECC] Re:Cabrillo Submission Web Applet now Available
From: k4sb at (K4SB)
Date: Tue Jan 6 21:35:52 2004
FYI for all Club members.


> "Bernie McClenny, W3UR" wrote:
>   ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Web Applet for Creating Cabrillo Format Logs Is Available
> The ARRL Contest Branch is please to announce that a web-based applet is now 
> available for participants to use in order to generate and email ARRL Contest 
> logs in the required Cabrillo file format. The first ARRL Contest for which 
> the web applet is available is the recently completed 2004 RTTY Roundup. The 
> applet, while intended for smaller log submissions, can be used for 
> submissions of any size.  It will be available for all ARRL events that 
> require electronic logs in the Cabrillo file format.
> Thanks to Bruce Horn, WA7BNM, and with the support of several other amateurs, 
> it is now possible for participants to create Cabrillo contest logs on the 
> web.  Bruce is developing templates for each ARRL contest, which will allow 
> persons that paper log, or those whose logging programs will not generate a 
> Cabrillo file, to create electronic logs for submission to the League. Bruce 
> has provided a homepage at where links will take 
> users to the various contest templates.
> The web applet works in two parts.  First, the user is prompted through the 
> information required to create the Cabrillo file header, including ARRL/RAC 
> section, Callsign used, Callsigns of operators, Entry class, Entry mode (if 
> applicable), Power level, Sent exchange information, Club (if applicable), 
> and Operator?s name and address.  Where appropriate, drop-down boxes are used 
> to allow the submitter to select the correct information.
> Once you have finished supplying the information for the header, the next 
> screen allows you to input the data for each individual QSO.  The user may 
> either type in the information for each QSO, or they may cut and paste the 
> necessary information (band, date, time, call copied, received RST, received 
> exchange) from another source.  Make sure to leave a space between each piece 
> of data on the QSO line and to use a new line for each QSO.
> Once you have entered all of the QSO data, click on the ?SUBMIT QSO INFO? 
> button at the bottom of the page.  The applet will then check for any errors 
> in format.  If everything is correct, the applet will display the completed 
> file, where you can check your information one last time.  Finally, click the 
> ?SUBMIT CABRILLO LOG? button at the bottom and the applet will automatically 
> email the entry to the correct address for the contest, as well as send a 
> copy to you for your records.
> Upon submission, the applet-created log will be processed as all other 
> submissions.  If the contest robot finds problems, the appropriate emails 
> will be sent back to the submitter for handling or if the log is clean, the 
> numbered receipt will be sent.
> If you have questions about the web applet, contact
> And again... Many thanks to Bruce Horn, WA7BNM for his work in developing 
> this web application. Bruce, you are one of the unsung heroes of contesting!
> 73
> Dan Henderson, N1ND
> ARRL Contest Branch Manager
>   ----------------------------------------------------------------------
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