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[SECC] NA Problem with Windows XP Pro

Subject: [SECC] NA Problem with Windows XP Pro
From: ku8e at (Jeffrey D Clarke)
Date: Tue Jan 6 00:07:24 2004

         We recently replaced our old computer with a Dell 4600 running Windows 
XP Pro. I seem to be having a problem getting NA  to work.
     The program will run but if I try to do a SAVELOG the program locks up. 
Also my CW keying interface has stopped working. It will not
     key the radio and the CW sounds garbled. I am using a W1WEF interface 
cable keying the LPT1 port. I am using NA 10.57.

        Please don't tell me to switch to Writelog because I like NA !!!  I 
looked on the NA reflector archives and have seen other people have
    had the same problem. Has anyone come up with a simple solution to this 
problem ????   Help !!! becuase I need to get this working before NAQP
    CW this weekend ...   Thanks...

                                                    Jeff   KU8E

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