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[SECC] SECC-Sponsored Plaque

Subject: [SECC] SECC-Sponsored Plaque
From: k4bai at (John Laney)
Date: Tue Aug 5 15:18:43 2003
Hello all:

Many thanks for the great response to the request for pledges for the
plaque. We were oversubscribed in no time.  Thanks to all who
volunteered.  I have already mailed the $60.00 check to K4WW.  The first
six calls I knew of get to contribute $10.00 each.  Thanks to K4NO,
K4BAI, N4GG, NN4RR, W4OC, and WA4TII.  Those who volunteered, but missed
the cut-off, were K4SB and KU8E.  Many thanks to all.


John, K4BAI.

John Laney
PO Box 421
Columbus, GA  31902-0421.
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