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[SECC] This weekend's contests

Subject: [SECC] This weekend's contests
From: k4bai at (John Laney)
Date: Thu Jul 17 15:38:23 2003
Hello all:

This coming weekend is the weekend that the Georgia QSO Party was held
on in the years 2000-2002.  There are at least three contests this
weekend that some of you may be interested in.

The NA RTTY QSO Party is held Saturday and runs pretty much like the SSB
and CW NA QSO Parties.

On 2 and 6 meters, there is the annual CQ VHF Contest.  It runs Saturday
18 UTC to Sunday 21 UTC.  Exchange is just Grid Square (such as EM72 for
me).  Avoid DX windows and international calling frequencies (such as

The Colorado QRP Club sponsors the Colorado Gold Rush contest for two
hours on Sunday afternoon, 20 to 22 UTC.  It is twenty meters CW only
and maximum power is 5 watts.  Activity will center around 14060.  There
are four classes:  W = wire; V = vertical; B = beam; p = portable. 
Exchange is RST, SPC (state/province/country), Class, and CQC Member #
or power output.  An unusualy factor in this contest is that you may
work other stations as many as three times in the two hour period as
long as there are 30 minutes between QSOs.  

Hope 6 meters opens wide and everyone has a good weekend.


John, K4BAI.
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