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Subject: [SECC] SS SSB 2002 N4LR
From: (Macie, Gordon)
Date: Mon, 18 Nov 2002 13:12:58 -0500
Single Op, Low Power,=20
FT1000MP (100 W) and gap vertical with 2 radials.
720 qso's
80   mult..
115,200 score
Last one was W7TTT. He had 1100 qso's when I first heard him.. Where the =
heck was he the other 29 hoiurs ??..  VE2 called me on 20 mid afternoon =
for 79. Being that close i really wanted the sweep so sacrificed qso's =
and score and spend at least a couple of hours tuning 10 and 15 but =
couldn't find nv. they decided to cq on 20 and that didn't work. Went to =
the grocery store and came back with 40 minutes to go and found nv. It =
may have been easier with packet but I'm sure it was more exciting =
finding him on my own.. What a blast...
Worked more than one MAR AND NL... Had a tough time with AL, MS, WCF, =
QC. Worked lots of ND , WY , VT , NH , AK, PAC, etc. I think I had at =
least two of all zones except NV so hopefully it will hold up.
Worked K4BAI, NE4S, K4WI, W4NTI .. Heard K4SB. Maybe others. All of them =
took several repeats..
Gordon N4LR

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