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[SECC] GAQP QSL question

Subject: [SECC] GAQP QSL question
From: (
Date: Mon, 5 Aug 2002 17:06:47 EDT
   It has come to my attention that a ham that I worked in the GAQP has left 
a note on the reflector that I refuse to issue QSL's from the counties I had 
activated. This is not an accurate statement.
   Granted, I am behind, having ove 100 cards to fill out looking me in the 
face now. I still get requests from the Florida QSO Party, many from Kentucky 
and Georgia. Plus others. I am in the process of getting caught up and trying 
to get my logs submitted at the same time.
   Does anyone remember who, if it happened at all, made this statement? I 
believe in QSLing 100 %.     Jeff  NY4N

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