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[SECC] for those vacationing in Panama City....

Subject: [SECC] for those vacationing in Panama City....
From: (NF4A)
Date: Wed, 31 Jul 2002 22:58:35 -0500
If you happen to be coming down to Panama City Beach on vacation and you
want to know what DX you are missing, I have just put a DX talker on the

It is temporarily on 147.33 (yeah, I know it is a repeater pair) will
be moving to 147.450 as soon as the crystal comes in.

It is running 10 watts to a DB224 at 160 feet fed with 7/8 heliax and is
full quieting on an HT on PC Beach. I am Director of Engineering for Clear
Channel Radio and we just happened to have an antenna we aren't using
anymore on the studio tower ;) is connected to the cluster via our T-1
;) ;)

Special thanks to KS4Q for the use of the telnet connection!

Charlie NF4A

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