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Subject: [SECC] NAQP CW AUG 3
From: (Bill Coleman)
Date: Wed, 24 Jul 2002 08:24:20 -0400
On 7/21/02 8:36 PM, greg and leann richard at wrote:

>Now that we have the GA QSO Party behind us, its time to start 
>concentrating on the NAQP CW contest which is the first Saturday in Aug. 
>The SSB NAQP is the 3rd weekend on Aug and is the same weekend as the 
>Huntsville Hamfest.
>I am pretty sure there is a cheerleader for the Aug NAQP but I don't 
>remember who it is.

W4AN is the cheerleader for CW. I was the cheerleader for SSB, unless, 
Greg, you want to take it on this time.

>  The SECC will be putting together teams for both NAQP's.


>When we have the cheerleader identified, let him or her know if you want 
>to be on a team.  I'd like to field 6 teams of 5 members so we need 30 
>folks to sign up even if you can only put in a couple of hours.  The more 
>folks we have on from 4 land, the more fun it is.

Remember, the SECC bylaws require each member in good standing to submit 
scores for two contests a year. The NAQP teams count. Sign up today.

>In the NAQP's with mults and Q's counting per band, its important to try 
>to get some op time on each band. There is still some time to do antenna 
>work before the contest to be QRV 160 thru 10. 

I don't have a 160m antenna, but that has yet to stop me from working a 
few mults on 160m!

Bill Coleman, AA4LR, PP-ASEL        Mail:
Quote: "Not within a thousand years will man ever fly!"
            -- Wilbur Wright, 1901

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