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[SECC] nq4i update

Subject: [SECC] nq4i update
From: (Mike Condon)
Date: Fri, 20 Oct 2000 11:26:20 -0400
Hi Rick,
It sounds like NQ4I is getting the full treatment for the impending test.  I
will be there early on Friday, noon or so, to set up and load the voice
I will bring the MP, and a fixed Power Supply.  The 70MHz mod is in, as is
the hiss capacitor, but not the AGC mod.  The 2K filters are working from
the front panel, but I want to open the lid and see if I really did put
George's filters in.  I also have the Yaesu Voice Keyer and a Heil headset,
so that position will be fully up to date.

By the way, I got a note, and a certificate from ARRL for an article in
Sep/Oct NCJ, but I don't have a subscription to that magazine.  It is just a
short blurb on the mobile contest effort from Black Rock Mtn in the last 10M
Arrl test.  If you have the mag, I might want to copy a page or two.  I have
bought NCJ off the shelf somewhere in the past, but HRO does not seem to
have a recent issue.

All your work sets a good stage, now we have to make the performance a good

Looking forward to the fun,

-----Original Message-----
From: []On
Behalf Of Rick Dougherty
Sent: Thursday, October 19, 2000 7:10 PM
Subject: [SECC] nq4i update

Hello all...are you ready?? I am almost!!! we took the ring rotor motor
apart today and found that the nylon gear was my haste last
year to return it to service I had not cleaned the motor case properly and
there were a few shards of metal inside..they subsequently caused the motor
to bind up and strip the gears the good news..I already had a
spare nylon gear so we were able to return the TIC ring to life after only
2 hours of time...its turning just fine now with 2 motors....the 20m
station is now locked down...the 1000mp has the enhanced ssb filters, Jeff
W4DD did the AGC mod to it...the stacks are up and functional...and the TIC
is doing fine...we also have a 3 element on the carribbean that is
awesome...Greg we are looking at a really big score from you and AA4LR on
20m...also got you a heil Pro headset its 100%.....we also got
another 1000mp that a friend has loaned for the contest...we will be using
5 mp's this next weekend...10m-80m and a 930s on 160....heard from WB4SQand
he is bowing out for the weekend...sorry to see that you won't be here with
us Gary...we plan on having a big time and really making some noise on the
bands...N9HZQ is also coming for some operating with us...looking forward
to seeing Jeff...the bands have been awesome on 10m and 15 m ...we will be
aiming for over 2000 qso's on each of those bands...we plan this year to
knock off W4MYA(again) , K9NS, N3RS, and anybody else who gets in our
AA4GA and W4WA are you guys coming down??? anybody need directions??? de
Rick nq4i

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