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[SECC] Possible club call

Subject: [SECC] Possible club call
From: (Bill Fisher - W4AN)
Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2000 23:14:45 -0400 (EDT)
You are incorrect about the process when the flood gates opened.  I did
extensive research with guys who submitted applications on the web and
noted the times in which they submitted their applications.  In all cases,
for a given day, the last guy to submit an application for a callsign on
the day the callsign was available (via the web) got the callsign.  

I would not be surprised if they changed the way they did it since then,
but that was the way they did it when gate-1 was opened.  Anyone who
submitted an application on the web got their selections first.  

Unfortunately, I wasn't smart enough to send in 10 applications with all
of my choices via 10 different methods.  As it turns out, had you done so,
you would have received your new callsign on the first application
processed and all other subsequent apps would have been returned due the
callsign of the station requesting the new call being reassigned.  

I don't doubt they have changed their ways.  Not that it probably made any
difference, but I made a lot of noise about their proposed way of handling
applications and the way they actually got handled.  I sent and received
replies back from several people high up in the FCC.  They basically said
"Sorry OM, we'll get back to you".  

My advise is to submit the app via a number of methods if you really want
the callsign.  The two methods I would select first would be submitting
the application just after midnight (by the FCC's web site computer, not
yours, or Boulder's... the FCC's is the only one that matters), and one
just before midnight on the same day.  I have a story about the FCC's
clock on their web site too, but I won't bore you with those details.  



On Wed, 28 Jun 2000, Edward W. Sleight wrote:

> Fellows, I have worked at this since the Vanity program opened.
> Think I have the bookmarks on the office computer and will see if I
> can't quote chapter and verse. However, ANY thought that the process
> is not be random selection ( except in a few cases where apparently a
> few big wigs overrule the process,,,the reassignment of W4DX is a
> specific case ) There is a WEB page where I think I can find. On it,
> you will see ALL the applications for a specific call, in the order
> they were submitted, and who wound up with the call.
> Bill, the rules have changed since you got W4AN. Used to be first
> come, first served, but that is not the case anymore.
> More
> 73
> Ed
> --
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