I ordered a cable set for my Kenwood TS-480sat to use with my Rigexpert
TI-8 interface.
Received it today. Plugged the cable into my 480 then the TI-8 and
proceeded to set up MMTTY with my port information.
I am reporting a successful outcome. Nice diddles on RTTY at 1275 hz
and 3 test transmissions in fill FSK RTTY mode.
Reverse Beacon reports that my transmit frequency is right on my 480's
display frequency. 10142.00 khz
No more hunting for my signal during contests and a little easier for me
to avoid trashing someone else with my CQ stands.
Now as for the 570D...it is on the work bench to determine the cause and
repair the dead FSK on that radio.
Have a good weekend all and if you are doing ARRL Sweepstakes,
CW....have fun.
I may dabble in it but no major effort.
Thom KI8W
"Living deep in the black hole of RF"
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