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To: Hank Garretson <w6sx@arrl.net>, N1MMLoggerplus@yahoogroups.com, RTTY Reflector <rtty@contesting.com>, ve3nea@dxatlas.com
Subject: Re: [RTTY] GRITTY
From: "Alex, VE3NEA" <alshovk@dxatlas.com>
Date: Sun, 20 Mar 2016 19:21:49 -0400
List-post: <rtty@contesting.com">mailto:rtty@contesting.com>
Hi Hank,

I am glad that you liked Gritty. It should not be very difficult to implement the complete set of mouse-click operations at the N1MM+ side, because When you click on something in Gritty's decoded text, it sends all information about your click (left/right button, ctrl/alt/shift modifier keys, clicked text and its type (call/exchange/other), to the logger.
I am also wondering if some smart processing of the exchange could be added to N1MM+. It is known in advance what pieces of info 
are supposed to appear in the exchange message, and N1MM+, instead of requiring the operator to place the cursor in certain 
input fields and click on each piece of exchange, could just parse the whole message and populate all fields at once. E.g., if 
the user clicked on "599 123 123 2359 2359" in the BARTG contest, the logger would place 123 in the serial number field, and 
2359 in the utc field.
73 Alex VE3NEA

On 2016-03-20 18:57, Hank Garretson wrote:
BARTG was my first contest using GRITTY. I was delighted. Very good decode.

What would be really neat is if some combination of VE3NEA and the N1MM team 
could make GRITTY--not sure if this is right
terminology--MMTTY compatible, like 2Tone, so GRITTY could have all the click 
features that MMTTY and 2Tone have.

Diddle Exuberantly,

Hank, W6SX
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