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Re: [RTTY] E30FB Eritrea TrIfecta

To: rtty@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [RTTY] E30FB Eritrea TrIfecta
From: W0MU Mike Fatchett <w0mu@w0mu.com>
Date: Tue, 17 Mar 2015 17:41:06 -0600
List-post: <rtty@contesting.com">mailto:rtty@contesting.com>
If the Club log stats are accurate they only logged about 2500 contacts on RTTY. So congrats to all!
Mike W0MU
On 3/17/2015 4:00 PM, Phil Cooper wrote:
Hi all,

Well, it wasn't so easy from EU either!
I have spent various hours in the shack, trying so hard to work them, and
was getting used to the idea that I would not get to work them.

As it happens, I have worked E3 before on RTTY (some years back on 20m
only), so I wanted to get them on 15m if at all possible.
Last night (16th), I got home from work, and only saw spots saying they were
QRX for dinner.
Whilst mine was cooking, I sat on 21080, just listening, and was around when
they came back.
I thought the band looked quiet, so I went up 2, and tried, but no luck.
I had a quick listen up the band, and saw W1JR get worked up around 7, so I
went up a bit more, called a few times and got them.

I suspect they may have had local QRN too, as they were loud here, but I
don't think they were hearing some of the big guns around.

It's even more pleasing as I only have a small 2-ele mini-beam up 20', and
don't possess a linear.
But, I do have 200 watts to play with, and that's what it took.

The last few entries in my log are all new slots for me, such as T8 on 17m,
5H1 on 30m, BV on 12m, 9Q on 15m, A9 on 30m, EA9 on 80m, PJ2 on 12m, all

And I got K1N on 10 & 17m RTTY, both Q's within 20 minutes of each other,
and total fluke in both cases.
A real case of "right place, right time".

73 de Phil GU0SUP

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