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Re: [RTTY] CR/LF, SP, or something better for RTTY

To: rtty@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [RTTY] CR/LF, SP, or something better for RTTY
From: iw1ayd - Salvatore Irato <iw1ayd@gmail.com>
Reply-to: iw1ayd@googlemail.com
Date: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 19:59:04 +0200
List-post: <rtty@contesting.com">mailto:rtty@contesting.com>
it work and work plainly well. That's interesting as an option. But I think not with the same plain mechanism as it is for the demo. Just looking to a possible implementation into N1MM+ i see some "not comfortableness". I am thinking to two behaviors ...
One,  possibly the more massive, is having the right click unlatching 
the no-scroll SW switch. It will itself block the "Right Click = return" 
function that I absolutely could not loose. Really it will not be 
forgotten, just one right click will be used and captured by the scroll 
... if not feed back doubling it's single action. Not doing anything, 
feed two routines with one right click, it will seem that one click 
haven't worked ... thus needs a second click to send ESM macros. But 
this will be true only if anyone stop the scrolling. So similar things 
will need different approaches, say errors and bad feelings.
The second possible behavior  would be on how this new routine could 
affect one or more secondary RX windows, in two cases: when attached and 
when not attached with the main DI window, docked or not docked.
Those two aspect will need several menu switches to be pragmatically 
used as options to normal operations not to become glitches for "furious 
               73 de iw1ayd Salvo
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