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Re: [RTTY] RM-11708

To: Paul Stoetzer <n8hm@arrl.net>
Subject: Re: [RTTY] RM-11708
From: W0MU Mike Fatchett <w0mu@w0mu.com>
Date: Mon, 09 Jun 2014 10:06:13 -0600
List-post: <rtty@contesting.com">mailto:rtty@contesting.com>
If the ARRL Can claim unrestricted use of a set of frequencies, so can anyone. If you want to twist a rule that simply allows them to pay a control into a a completely new rule that says they effectively own that frequency or channel for this time period, what exactly is going to stop Winlink or any other service from doing the exact same thing.
The ARRL and W1AW have been willfully interfering with just users of 
spectrum for years.   That is something to be proud of.  So much for 
courtesy.  It is expected by the ARRL/W1AW but never given.

Mike W0MU

On 6/9/2014 9:20 AM, Paul Stoetzer wrote:
You did not receive an email from the FCC. You received an email from
an individual who happens to work at the FCC.

I can opine about all sorts of things that my employer is involved in.
It shouldn't be confused with an official judgement of that entity.

And as you know, regulations have the force of law, unless courts say
otherwise (for example, if the courts rule that a regulation exceeds
the agency's statutory authority).

As far as your point about "what stops anyone else?" Well, what stops
"anyone else" is the rather rigid requirements which apply to a
station paying a control operator under 97.113(a)(3)(iv).
Realistically, the ARRL with W1AW is the only organization that can
meet those requirements. If you wish to begin a competing bulletin
service, go ahead and do so. I will not complain if you follow every
requirement of 97.113(a)(3)(iv).

Why is this suddenly an issue anyway? The ARRL has been transmitting
bulletins in this manner for decades. As far as I know, the ARRL has
never been cited by the Commission for a breach of the regulations for
it's transmissions over that time.


Paul, N8HM

On Mon, Jun 9, 2014 at 11:09 AM, W0MU Mike Fatchett <w0mu@w0mu.com> wrote:

Apparently you missed the email I received from the FCC that stated that the
regulation quoted that allows them to pay a control op does not allow them
to ignore any other rule.  We are talking about allowing a club to pay for
the control op.  With their reasoning, if I wear a seat belt in a car, I
should be able to legally speed.

William Cross Wrote:

"I agree that Section 97.113(a)(3)(iv) addresses compensation of a control
operator of a club station in certain cases, and it applies to all club
stations. That rule says nothing about interference and a club station
transmission is subject to 97.101(d) just as the transmission by any other
amateur station is. "

I spent about 2 minutes thinking about solutions to their problem and came
up with alternative frequencies and  just waiting for a few minutes.  The
issue with these broadcasts are that that ARRL does not have system that
allows them to individually control each station, which could be another
problem.  I have been told that the system they built fires up all
transmitters at the same time.

The FCC creates rules and regulations not laws.  Congress create laws.

It would appear that you do not mind intentional willful interference by
anyone.  If the ARRL can read between the lines and do it, then what stops
anyone else?  What does it say when the ARRL believes that they can squat on
frequencies ignore certain rules and the excuse is that someone might squat
on the frequencies that they are sqatting on.  This is a bit hypocritical
isn't it?  The value of the message or practice is irrelevant unless the
bulletins contains emergency traffic which takes priority over all other

I believe that the ARRL has been very lucky that nobody has filed formal
complaints about the transmissions or how they operate their station.

I personally do not want to see this happen and am in discussions with K1ZZ
and my director.  I would suggest that others should contact their directors
and discuss how the ARRL can address this in a mature reasonable manner.  If
I was a winlink operator, this would certainly be a defense I would attempt
to use.

Mike W0MU

On 6/9/2014 8:45 AM, Paul Stoetzer wrote:
The ARRL has a very reasonable interpretation of the regulation. In
our system of law, reading between the lines is required.


Paul, N8HM

On Mon, Jun 9, 2014 at 10:42 AM, W0MU Mike Fatchett <w0mu@w0mu.com> wrote:
The ARRL does not care about deliberate interference.  They do it on a
basis with the bulletins and code practice sessions and they either don't
care or talked themselves into believing that the FCC gave them
to do so by reading between the lines of a regulation that simply allows
them to pay a control op.

Mike W0MU

On 6/9/2014 7:28 AM, Terry wrote:

This is a great example of the deterioration of our amateur bands all
directly traceable to ARRL actions.  The www.SaveRtty.com team is
a new chapter that will be released soon that connects the dots between
ARRL Board, Winlink and developing recreational boater and HF email

In your interference example we have the ARRL endorsed ("recreational
product") Winlink interfering with the ARRL W1AW/0 Centennial operation
the official response from K1ZZ at ARRL HQ is "short term frequency
conflicts are best dealt with by using the VFO knob".
    In reviewing all of the ARRL BOD minutes perhaps we missed the part
the ARRL BOD exempting Winlink from the ARRL Considerate Operators
http://www.arrl.org/considerate-operator   Perhaps that exemption will
first on the agenda at the next BOD meeting.  ;-)

Thanks for posting this.   Great info.

Terry AB5K

-----Original Message-----
From: RTTY [mailto:rtty-bounces@contesting.com] On Behalf Of Ron Kolarik
Sent: Sunday, June 08, 2014 9:01 PM
Subject: [RTTY] RM-11708

I've been debating whether or not to post this to the list but since
had no answer to my original question, I did get a reply but no answer
how to proceed with a formal complaint,  here's what I asked and what I
back from K1ZZ. My reply to this is available if anyone wants to see it,
bit long though and probably not for the list.


Sent: Wednesday, May 14, 2014 11:48 PM
To: Craigie, Kay, N3KN
Cc: Roderick, Rick (1st Vice President); Fenstermaker, James, K9JF;
k0qb@arrl.org; Sumner, Dave, K1ZZ; Isely,Dick (Dir,Cl); Ahrens, Cliff,
Lisenco, Mike (DIR, Hudson); Woolweaver, David ( Dir, WG); Vallio, Bob
PC); Price, Brennan, N4QX
Subject: RM-11708 and a query

To the ARRL

I'm writing in support of the recent emails from W4TV and N9NB to pull

and reconsider RM-11708. I won't repeat the points already made except

to state that the RM was produced with no input from the amateur

and completely ignores the IARU Region 2 bandplan. As written there is

protection for current narrow bandwidth users and the suggestion that

future bandplan will correct the problems the RM will cause is

Why cause the problems in the first place? K1ZZ has pointed out that

allows 6kHz emissions almost everywhere as a reason to allow 2.8kHz in

the US narrow band segments. Has anyone at HQ actually listened to the

on 40m in the early evenings? There is spanish language and VE SSB clear

to 7050kHz, doesn't leave much room for the rest of us and RM-11708

to add unidentifiable wideband digital to the mix. Which leads me to my

I would like to file a formal complaint but don't know where or who to
it to.

I also don't know who I need to file the complaint against since the

never identify in a mode I can understand. This past week I had the

to represent Nebraska as W1AW/0, thank you for that, I was strictly RTTY

and the interference from the unattended stations made things difficult.

the auto sub-bands because it's impossible to operate on a clear

without one of the store and forward boxes just firing up at will. On

to move down to 7062 to find a vacancy, running for over an hour before

Pactor box lit up on my tx frequency, please don't tell me about the

transmitter effect there is also reciprocal receiving to take into
I can only

assume I was interferred with by the side of the link with no

30m same thing, moved down to 10130 well away from the auto sub band and
sure enough

another Pactor box fired up this time on the 1-2kHz above my tx
where I had

a pileup going. Some of the DX stations also missed a chance to work me
30m as

they are only allowed digital above 10140. The 30m interference
and off

over several hours, the only thing I could do was wait for the station
deliver what I

guess was some very important email that just couldn't wait. In the past
when these

automated stations had CW id's I did identify one that was causing
and sent

a polite email, the response of "the frequency is published" was the
that's the entire

reply. Since that time it seems most of the stations have turned off
cw id. Any

suggestions on how to deal with the ongoing interferrence or who to
the complaint to

would be appreciated.

Now according to the RM some of the rules are archaic and outdated, it
be wise to evaluate the rules concerning unattended operation and easing
current interferrence

problems, they were written a long time ago after all. The current IARU
Region 2 bandplan

requests that unattended operation be limited on HF. The automated store

stations have had several decades to develop and deploy effective "busy
channel" detection

and have failed miserably at it. It may be time to further restrict or
remove them from HF.

While eliminating outdated rules it might also be good to revisit the
Pactor as a mode

since the stations are not easily identified and there is absolutely no
to verify content

if you're not part of the ARQ link.

Thanks for listening,

Ron Kolarik


From: Sumner, Dave, K1ZZ

To: 'Ron Kolarik' ; Craigie, Kay, N3KN
Cc: Roderick, Rick (1st Vice President) ; Fenstermaker, James, K9JF ;
k0qb@arrl.org ; Isely,Dick (Dir,Cl) ; Ahrens, Cliff, K0CA ; Lisenco,
(DIR, Hudson) ; Woolweaver, David ( Dir, WG) ; Vallio, Bob (Dir, PC) ;
Price, Brennan, N4QX
Sent: Wednesday, May 21, 2014 10:50 AM
Subject: RE: RM-11708 and a query

Ron, thanks for your message. Kay Craigie asked me to respond, but
the Dayton Hamvention has put me a bit behind.

First of all, thanks for helping to make W1AW/0 available from Nebraska.
Yours was the first state to repeat, and it's interesting to see that
QSO demand was even greater the second time around.

Regarding RM-11708, it is important to keep in mind that the petition
not seek to "allow" HF data emissions with 2.8 kHz bandwidth. Such
are already allowed, with no limit as to bandwidth. The rules changes
proposed in RM-11708 are very limited. The existing 1980-era HF symbol
limits are based on the old Bell telephone modems; otherwise there is
nothing special about them. In 1980 they served as a surrogate for a
bandwidth limit, but with more modern data modes they no longer serve
function. All RM-11708 proposes is to replace the symbol rate limits
bandwidth limit that accommodates the data modes that are already in use
while prohibiting the use of wider bandwidth modes in the future.

The petition has two objectives: to permit more efficient use of the
bandwidth that is already being employed and to prevent the deployment
data modes with wider bandwidths. Currently the only thing standing in
way of the latter is that up to now operation has been done with
conventional SSB transceivers, but with the dramatic increase in the
popularity of software defined radios that barrier no longer exists.

The scope of the petition is deliberately limited. It does not purport
address issues such as automatically controlled digital stations and
proposes no related rules changes. The petition may not offer a solution
every existing problem but that is no reason to not support what it
accomplish, namely heading off the development of wider bandwidth HF
emissions than are now in use. One of the consequences of doing nothing
that the quest for higher data rates will be forced in the direction of
wider bandwidths, with no regulatory barrier to that development.

With respect, addressing issues through band planning is not
Band planning is not perfect, but it works pretty well except perhaps
periods of unusually intense activity. The FCC rules take precedence
voluntary band planning but we cannot expect (nor would we want) the FCC
resolve all of the compatibility issues among various modes. The last
the FCC did so had a very unfortunate result: the 80 meter RTTY/data
was compressed from 250 kHz down to 100 kHz, with severe consequences
CW, RTTY and data operators. The FCC gave short shrift to our petition
reconsideration at the time, but a common thought heard recently is that
may be time to reintroduce the subject.

Internationally, our 10 MHz allocation is secondary to the fixed service
we are obligated to avoid interfering with stations in the fixed
that is the reason for the 200 watt power limit and the reason why there
so many non-amateur signals in the band. Working around them is a
in the best of times and it may not always be possible to do everything
the band that we would like, but we're far better off having the
allocation than not having it.

Quite a few ARRL Official Observers are capable of identifying stations
using the various data modes including Pactor, although monitoring
content of ARQ modes is more difficult. We can request that OOs monitor
specific frequencies at specific times if illegal operation is
but short term frequency conflicts are best dealt with by using the VFO
knob. There was a rather amusing one at the start of the Colorado and
York operations last night on 40 CW: W1AW/0 was on 7029 listening up 1
W1AW/2 was on 7030 listening up 1. The New York op QSY'ed after a few


Dave Sumner, K1ZZ

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