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Re: [RTTY] BARTG This Weekend.

To: Dave Greig <daven3buo@att.net>, roger@g3ldi.co.uk
Subject: Re: [RTTY] BARTG This Weekend.
From: Roger Cooke <rogerg3ldi@talktalk.net>
Reply-to: roger@g3ldi.co.uk
Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2014 19:35:27 +0000
List-post: <rtty@contesting.com">mailto:rtty@contesting.com>

John GW4SKA has already answered this one, and so did Al AB2ZY, quite aptly!
Hope to hear you in the QRM> Don't forget however, NO RST!!!

73 de Roger, G3LDI
On 24/01/2014 17:14, Dave Greig wrote:
How much power can you run. And can you use Spotting?
  I did not see it in the rules?

Thank You!
Dave Greig N3BUO
Phone: (682) 422-6667
Twitter: @N3BUO
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/N3BUO
Twitter: @801tactical

On Fri, Jan 24, 2014 at 9:52 AM, Roger Cooke <rogerg3ldi@talktalk.net>wrote:

   This weekend is the BARTG Sprint 2014 Contest.
Saturday 25th January 1200 UTC until Sunday 26th January 1200 UTC

The exchange is a three figure SERIAL NUMBER ONLY _*NO RST*__**_

Full rules can be found at:


BARTG have had some severe problems in 2013 as regards results. This
problem is being
addressed now and we hope to have a much better system installed in the
near future. As Chairman
of BARTG I would like to apologise for the tardiness of 2013 and we will
post on the reflector as
soon as news develops. We already have Ian Moore GM4KLN back as web master
and there will
be some changes to the BARTG web site in the coming months. He is planning
a new design with a more attractive and dynamic look.

The results for the 2013 Sprint and the Expert Listing are both on the web
site now.
Please bear with us, BARTG will NOT be cancelling any contests. Thank you
for your patience.

73 and hope to work you at the weekend.

Roger, G3LDI Chairman BARTG
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