ORIGINAL MESSAGE: (may be snipped)
On Tue, 26 Nov 2013 13:17:59 -0500, Kai wrote:
>MSK is FSK with shift (as understood by hams) equal to half the baud rate. So
>45.45 baud with 22.725 shift would be approximately MSK. if you've used 45.45
>baud with 23 Hz shift you were close enough to MSK, especially with narrow
>filtering on TX and RX.
>When done correctly, MSK is phase continuous and has nice spectral response.
>With Baudot 7.5 bit coding like we use, I'm not so sure. That 1.5 bit long
>bit can really screw things up.
>I think that Chen covered this recently.
>Kai, KE4PT
So it sounds like since it is phase continuous it doesn't have the multipath
problems of PSK? Other than selective fading of course.
73, Bill W6WRT
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