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To: <vk2sg-rtty@mailman.qth.net>
From: "Phil Cooper" <pcooper@guernsey.net>
Reply-to: pcooper@guernsey.net
Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2008 21:33:58 -0000
List-post: <rtty@contesting.com">mailto:rtty@contesting.com>
VK2SG RTTY DX NOTES for week ending 27 March  (BID RTDX0327)

Our information this week came from AA5AU, I5FLN, DJ3IW, UT5RP, GB7DXG and
the OH2AQ DX Summit.
Thank you all.


Friday 21
0518-21080      9X0R
0806-14082      SU1KM
0807-21080      9X0R
0844-14083      4K9W
0850-14086      VU2SWS
0856-14088      JD1BMM
0934-14088      MM5DWW
0939-14083      EA8ATE
0952-14082      JT1DN
1008-14085      TF3GC
1010-14081      IS0GQX
1042-14079      R1FJT
1057-18103      ZS2EZ
1119-18096      5T5DC
1123-14086      E74KC
1131-14083      ZB3B
1135-14081      VU2SWS
1151-18101      E20WXA
1203-14084      UN8PIM
1218-21080      9X0R
1219-14081      CO3CJ
1320-14089      SM7GXR
1346-14084      IM0MBP
1409-14084      E20WXA
1414-10140      N2RIT
1435-14085      5T5DC
1441-14091      K3TRM/6Y5
1444-10144      SP6CZ
1612-14092      KJ7QM   Wyoming
1621-14085      V55SRT   via IZ8EDJ
1630-14084      EA8AOP
1701-21080      9X0R
1720-10143      MM5DWW
1754-10138      SV1BDO/SV3
1820-10140      IS0YEK
1822-14084      EA8AOP
1826-14089      FG5FI
1830-14087      YV5KAJ
1837-10146      5T5DC
1839-10145      ZB3B
1900-10145      PZ5RA
1914-14085      PS7KC
1917-10145      4L6DL
1924-10138      A45XR
1928-10146      EA8FJ
1952-10140      PY7ZZ
2007-14086      PT7AZ
2023-10138      VE9DX
2044-10145      IW1ARB
2114-14083      GW3YDX
2115-14087      JD1BMM
2125-1899       S59OWA
2139-14090      WH2X
2146-10143      UU3JC
2152-14087      HK6DOS
2213-10144      FM5AA
2215-10144      K3TRM/6Y5
2224-7038       CN8KD
2225-10146      5T5DC
2226-14091      WH2X
2304-14081      J69DS

Saturday 21
0200-BARTG Contest starts
0205-21085      LS1D
0205-14088      KH6GMP
0212-7042       4M5RY
0302-14086      AL1G
0323-14084      E20WXA
0338-7054       ZS2EZ
0340-21085      DV1JM
0342-21087      DU7/G4DUM
0420-7048       CO2EL
0453-3577       VE7CC
0542-7034       YV1FM
0545-18100      9X0R
0606-7038       ZM2B
0640-7040       5C5W
0733-14100      HL5JCB
0740-14105      9M2CCO
0743-14081      7X0RY
0751-14081      ZM2A
0901-21083      UN7PBY
0937-14085      BA7IO
0959-14076      EI3GC
1011-7036       DV1JM
1018-21091      9M2CCO
1022-7035       BA5HAM
1032-7038       4M5RY
1124-14085      FG5LA
1134-7031       DU7/G4DUM
1135-18096      5T5DC
1151-21086      LS1D
1205-21084      6V7E
1223-14105      E21YDP
1237-7040       HP3DX
1258-7034       9V1UV
1316-21082      HZ1PS
1323-3523       BA5HAM
1337-14111      DU7/G4DUM
1338-14083      FG5LA
1339-14114      YV5AAX
1344-7036       ZM2B
1355-7032       DV1JM
1403-7033       DS5TUK
1417-14092      HP3DX
1417-14104      9M2CCO
1419-14101      E21YDP
1421-7037       BX4AF
1435-10144      BX5AA
1505-14108      EI3GC
1513-14080      7X0RY
1533-14096      5C5W
1544-14105      TF3AM
1544-7033       6K5AYC
1604-14086      FG5LA
1606-7042       VR10XLN
1626-14107      9M2CCO
1640-7032       E21YDP
1654-10140      9X0R
1656-14102      PT7AZ
1656-14097      UA2FX
1744-14077      KH6MB
1745-14092      KH6GMP
1747-14085      FG5LA
1759-14114      KL8DX
1827-14087      CN8LI
1916-14090      AL1G
1917-28080      LU8EOT
1939-14081      KH6FI
2003-14083      FO5PS
2009-21088      YV5AAX
2016-21092      6V7E
2028-7046       HZ1IK
2037-7038       7X0RY
2043-3523       UN7PBY
2058-21087      LU6DAT
2107-21093      KH6FI
2108-10140      K3TRM/6Y5
2122-14090      J69DS
2144-3591       DL9NEI
2210-14095      HP3DX
2223-7035       DS5DYM
2247-7040       5C5W
2303-14081      KH6MB
2336-14088      CO2EL
2338-10141      9X0R
2344-10148      5T5DC

Sunday 23
0011-14084      E20WXA
0043-7057       4M5RY
0048-14083      FO5PS
0100-21086      YE1AA
0109-14104      KL8DX
0109-14089      AL2F
0126-14083      BA7IO
0214-14087      VU2NKS
0219-14099      6K2DIO
0308-7057       CO8LY
0311-21088      VK7GN
0338-7034       XE1L
0342-7048       XE2YBG
0343-10140      9X0R
0411-7050       KD5LNO
0417-7035       KH6FI
0432-7042       ZM2B
0433-21086      6K5AQY
0435-21090      6K5AYC
0509-7046       AL2F
0526-7040       CO4LS
0532-14081      VK6BN
0553-21088      HL4CEL
0605-21080      BA7IO
0621-7030       XE1L
0623-21100      9M2CCO
0625-10140      9X0R
0706-7039       XE1SLA
0708-14106      9M2CCO
0735-7042       5C5W
0751-21090      9V1UV
0811-21080      BA7IO
0812-7036       ZM2B
0812-7037       E73SRS
0813-21088      YE1AA
0815-21084      E20WXA
0854-7029       JA1OVD
0916-7034       DV1JM
1004-7042       VK4KAD
1024-14091      E78AB
1044-14083      4K9W
1054-18096      5T5DC
1056-21086      LS1D
1058-14081      7X0RY
1127-10142      MJ/K8PT
1131-7030       DS4NMJ
1131-14107      VR10XLN
1137-14096      VU2NKS
1145-7042       CO8LY
1145-14089      5C5W
1146-14105      VU2PTT
1234-14090      DV1JM
1241-21084      HZ1PS
1255-21082      YE1AA
1256-14091      E78AB
1300-14083      VK2KM
1301-14090      DV1JM
1304-14109      E21YDP
1306-14087      YI9MI
1308-14090      CO2EL
1316-14109      CO8LY
1317-14105      TF3AO
1408-14104      UN7GCE
1418-14089      9V1UV
1428-14116      TA1DX
1459-10145      MJ/K8PT
1501-14080      HZ1PS
1509-14091      5C5W
1514-14086      IS0YEK
1521-14079      VU2PTT
1531-21084      CV5K
1548-21085      PX8X
1559-18096      5T5DC
1611-21089      PT7AZ
1614-14079      HZ1PS
1630-21085      CV5K
1630-10146      MJ/K8PT
1632-21086      PX8X
1642-21088      YV5AAX
1643-14091      XE2YBG
1643-14114      9J2M
1646-14094      KH6MB
1647-18094      5T5DC
1650-14097      UA2FX
1701-14085      9M2CCO
1719-14080      T77NM
1725-14097      XE1L
1732-14105      KL8DX
1737-10143      RU6AR
1749-7042       E21YDP
1832-14106      KH6GMP
1838-21095      CO8LY
1848-28087      J39BS
1848-7039       SV9/9A5AN
1900-14094      TA1DX
1901-14080      CO4LS
1903-14081      HP3DX
1904-10140      9X0R
1912-14077      AL1G
1926-14090      V55SRT
1940-3585       5C5W
2004-21085      PX8X
2021-18096      5T5DC
2026-14076      KL7FH
2034-21087      ZL4PW
2048-14083      CO8LY
2102-21087      FO5PS
2109-14104      KH6GMP
2110-14080      HP3DX
2114-10148      HI3TEJ
2116-28082      LU8EOT
2117-14078      AL1G
2123-10140      9X0R
2139-7045       5C5W
2146-14101      AL2F
2200-7046       6V7E
2204-7042       CV5K
2210-14084      KH6MGP
2219-7052       4M5RY
2221-7048       HZ1IK
2230-7035       CO8LY
2236-7049       HP3DX
2251-10145      5T5DC
2301-14078      KH6MB

Monday 24
0029-14085      VR10XMT
0040-3587       MM0GPZ
0106-14090      FO5PS
0200-BARTG Contest ends
0810-14082      JT1DN
0824-14086      5T5DC
0915-14084      TF3PPN
0922-18104      VU2SWS
0936-14080      JD1BMM
1012-14086      TF3GF
1041-21070      OZ1TMK  
1059-14080      J69DS   
1102-14088      ZB3B    
1109-14080      JX4A      See note below!
1125-14079      CN8YZ
1129-14085      5T5DC   
1130-14080      JX4A    
1250-14083      E20WXA  
1411-14081      VK8NSB  
1435-14084      4K9W    
1436-14088      UN1L    
1448-14080      MJ/K8PT 
1454-14081      JX4A    
1456-14080      TF3GC   
1501-14080      9X0R    
1621-18102      SV1BDO/SV3
1727-18096      5T5DC
1808-7039       JX4A
1813-10142      MJ/K3PLV
1816-14086      P41YL
1842-1839       MM5DWW
1926-10137      KP4ED
1946-14093      KD4POJ    North Dakota
2037-14091      5T5DC
2054-7042       TF3GC
2147-10145      5T5DC
2150-14082      CO8LY
2236-14088      ZP8AE

Tuesday 25
0623-14082      JD1BMM
0659-14089      HL5YI
0734-14091      E73CW
0818-18100      9X0R
0943-14085      JX4A
0946-14089      E74EBL
1006-14086      5T5DC
1048-14085      JT1DN
1054-14085      KP4ED
1142-14081      E73CW
1209-14080      MJ/K8PT
1235-14089      UN1L
1247-10140      MJ/K3PLV
1251-14079      4D75T
1259-14085      DU1UGZ
1303-14091      V31MR
1311-14083      5A7A
1335-14086      DV1JM
1343-14090      VU2NKS
1357-14085      HH4/K4QD
1400-14084      E21YDP
1424-14086      5T5DC   
1443-14081      SY1MA        See note below!
1446-18103      V31MR   
1454-14086      YB0MJY  
1501-18107      OM4EX   
1513-18102      4K9W    
1520-14082      E20WXA  
1526-14086      MJ/K3PLV        
1528-18104      HZ1IK   
1548-14081      FR5MV   
1549-14089      TF3GC   
1654-14078      SY1MA   
1702-14081      TF3PPN  
1746-14086      CO0FIA   Special Event
1748-10145      MJ/K3PLV        
1754-10143      ZB3B    
1807-18096      5T5DC
1811-14090      V31MR
1818-7039       SY1MA
1904-10144      E74EBL
1950-10144      GM3ZXL
1957-18102      J69DS
2046-10135      HH4/K4QD
2105-14088      XE1CT
2115-14087      V31MR
2123-10146      5T5DC
2217-14086      J69DS
2232-10142      PZ5RA
2248-10132      V31MR

Wednesday 26
0143-14082      UN7PBY
0728-18100      9X0R
0820-14085      5T5DC
0908-18105      VU2SWS
1005-24922      UN7TW
1015-14085      JT1DN
1018-14081      6W/RW3TN
1023-24920      VU2SWS
1027-14082      JD1BMM
1132-1809       W6WRT
1213-14080      MJ/K8PT
1252-14081      CO0FIA
1255-18102      4K9W
1323-14082      E73CW
1333-14084      ZB2RG
1423-18102      HH4/K4QD
1428-10138      W5KDJ
1430-10143      S54V
1430-14087      S21YV
1440-18105      HZ1IK
1452-14086      5T5DC
1454-14083      E20WXA
1504-10145      BX5AA
1517-14080      SY1MA
1753-14087      5T5DC
1841-14082      HH4/AF4Z
1902-14080      MJ/K8PT
1936-14081      S92FM
1943-3584       OL30SPACE  Special Event
2001-1849       OL30SPACE
2012-14088      J69DS
2015-14082      EA8FJ
2023-14087      CO3JN
2032-14085      FG5FI
2050-14081      CO0FIA
2051-14083      HH4/AF4Z
2056-14081      HP1AC
2201-7041       HZ1IK
2244-10145      5T5DC
2257-14083      PY7RP
2323-14080      XE2K
2342-7040       5T5DC

Thursday 27
0147-7040       VQ9LA
0515-18100      9X0R
0730-14088      HL5YI
0806-10143      3A2MW
0910-10141      OL30SPACE
0913-24925      UN7PBY
1030-14086      5T5DC
1158-18104      E20WXA
1220-14079      CO0FIA
1224-14080      MJ/K8PT
1246-14085      VR10XLN
1255-14086      CU2AO
1257-14088      CE1VCZ
1307-14087      VR10XMT
1319-14088      UN1L
1352-18101      HH4/K4QD
1400-14081      FM5WD
1411-14083      V31MR
1420-14080      4D75T
1453-14095      VU2NKS
1503-14089      6K2DFG
1505-14081      5T5DC
1514-14081      4D75J
1550-14085      KD4POJ     North Dakota
1605-14082      SU1KM
1624-18096      5T5DC
1636-14083      E20XWA
1704-14083      A71EM
1808-14083      XU7ABN
1835-24920      5T5DC
1851-18101      V31MR
1935-18103      J69DS
1953-18104      HH4/K4QD
2016-14080      5T5DC

Notes of interest:
7P Lesotho. Mar 27 - Apr 03, 7P8FC, by large group.

EL Liberia. Until end April, by HB9BEI and HB9AUZ as EL8BK and EL8CB
QSL via operator instructions

GJ Jersey. Mar 22 - 27 by K8PT and K3PLV as MJ/homecall.
QSL via home calls

S2 Bangladesh. Mar 25 - 31. By KX7YT as S21YV
QSL via home call

VP2E Anguilla. Mar 26 - Apr 08. By DL9GFB and DJ8NK as VP2EFB and VP2ENK
QSL to home calls

S9 Sao Tome. Mar 27 - Apr 02. By CT1HHP as S92FM
QSL to home call

JX4A has been noted as a "pirate", so WFWL.
According to LA sources, LA4A is a club station, and has no
authorised trip to JX. The cluster shows the op as LA4XEA.
However, that would mean his call should be JX4XEA!

SY1MA is calling as Mt Athos, but there is no mention of this
in any news bulletins so far. Another WFWL!
This one says QSL via WA1HAA, but that call is not listed on QRZ
or the FCC database. The last time SY1MA was used was in 1972.

It is also worth noting that as one went QRT, the other started!

QSL Routes:
P.O.Box 49

M5AAV became a Silent Key this week. He was a manager for many calls
including 9M6XRO and OY4TN. 
Please wait for further announcements before sending QSL's.

The VK2SG RTTY DX NOTES are distributed every week via the
Winlink network, and are also available on the Internet at
URL http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/vk2sg-rtty
and the digital-dx reflector.

To subscribe to the digital-dx reflector, send an e-mail
message to majordomo@mla.nifty.ne.jp as follows:
Subject:(blank) Message Body: subscribe digital-dx

For next week's bulletin, send your bandpass and notes of
interest to Luciano, I5FLN at e-mail: luciano.fusari@alice.it

73 es Good RTTY DXing


GL and GD RTTY DX de
Phil Cooper  GU0SUP       email pcooper@guernsey.net
Guernsey IOTA EU-114      www.guernsey.net/~pcooper

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